All faculty are referred to the SOM Faculty Portal and to the SGU Faculty Training and Development site.
Faculty are expected to maintain both their content specific knowledge and a knowledge of the latest advances in teaching pedagogy through participation at professional meetings and conferences, seminars, webinars, online certificate programs, CMEs, etc.
Faculty must complete mandatory training modules as directed and/or as per the requirements of the School of Medicine and SGU e.g., FERPA, preventing sexual harassment, etc.
Post-Graduate Certificate in Medical Education (PGCME)
Junior faculty (clinical instructors, teaching fellows, and lecturers) can develop their skills as medical educators through participation in the PGCME program. This certificate program introduces participants to several aspects of education, with an emphasis on medical education and research, covering a broad range of topics relevant to medical educators. The current curriculum has been designed with the goal of developing junior faculty members’ knowledge and practical skills as clinicians, educators, and scholars. The program includes 33 sessions over the course of 5-6 weeks.
Participants evolve into a professional learning community, as they actively participate in a variety of seminars, workshops, group interactions, and hands-on sessions and complete a variety of assignments working toward the development of an enhanced professional portfolio of their achievements as medical educators. In addition, modular components offered during the second half of the program provide participants with an opportunity to focus on instructional design and administration, medical education research, or enhanced clinical skills. This program is free of charge.
Clinical instructors, teaching fellows, and lecturers are eligible to enroll for the PGCME program once they have completed one full year of employment, have accepted a renewal of their employment, if their appointment was for a period of one year, and have demonstrated both a high level of professionalism and evidence of quality in teaching. Prior approval of the department chair and assistant dean for basic sciences must be obtained prior to enrolling.
Foundations of Teaching and Learning Program: MGH Institute of Health Professions Course
A total of 20 faculty members at the rank of clinical instructor, teaching fellow, and lecturer can participate in the Foundations of Teaching and Learning program offered each semester (twice per year) from MGH Institute of Health Professions. This program is fully sponsored by SGU for junior faculty. Faculty must have completed the PCGME at time of application for the MGH Foundations of Teaching and Learning Program to be eligible to apply.