The FPP may receive and process complaints or notices of concern from the following complainants:

  • Course Directors
  • Individual Faculty
  • SGU staff
  • Students

The FPP determines the appropriate course of action for each academic professionalism concern. This can include:

  • Investigation of complaint with referral to an FPP inquiry hearing

The FPP inquiry hearing could include panel interviews with the respondent, the complainant(s), and other affected parties. The panel hearings will be moderated by the Chair of the FPP (or temporary chair appointed by the chair).

If the chair is directly involved with the student (teaching the student/student advisor/etc.), the members of the FPP will select a temporary chair.

Any panel member with associations to the incident involving the student respondent will excuse themselves from the panel during any discussion.

A quorum for the Committee will be four (4), with decisions reached by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chair will have the casting vote.

After investigation, the FPP can elect to impose the following:

  • Dismissal of charges against the student
  • Resolution of conflict through a negotiated settlement (including any punitive measures) or mediation
  • Referral of student to the:
    • Course Director
    • Student’s Mentor
    • DES
    • Psychological Services Center (PSC)
    • OAA
    • SVM DOS
    • Director of Complaints, Conduct and Appeals
    • The Judiciary Board

For each complainant, the FPP will record the original complaint/infringement/notice of concern, proceedings of any investigation, and outcome of any investigation using secure SGU software tools.