Faculty Panel on Professionalism (FPP)

The Faculty Panel on Professionalism (FPP) falls under the overall authority of the SVM Dean of Students and must report to the:

  • SVM Associate/Assistant DOS
  • Associate Dean of Year 4 clinical training

The FPP has the discretion to adjudicate any academic professionalism disciplinary case involving a student enrolled in the DVM and clinical rotations that breaches or brings into disrepute the rules and standards of academic conduct of the University. The FPP, therefore, has the authority to deal with all student professionalism behavior concerns during the program in any course activity settings.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Inappropriate professional interactions/communication with faculty, staff, or students 
  • Missed examinations
  • Examination compliance issues
  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Any behavior contrary to the outcome objectives and expectations provided in the University’s or School’s student manual and course syllabus.