Academic Progress Review Committee (APRC)

The SVM Associate/Assistant Dean of Academics chairs this Committee, and the committee membership is composed of the course directors for each term being reviewed and members or representatives from the OUR, Associate/Assistant Dean of Students, the academic advising coordinator, FPP chair, the Department of Educational Services (DES), and the Associate/Assistant Dean of Year 4 clinical training.

The Committee will determine whether students should progress to the following term, be placed on MAS, or be recommended for dismissal. The Committee determines if students are making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) by reviewing qualitative and quantitative deficiencies, considering recommendations for Credit Remediation (CR), dismissal, placing a student on MAS, and or having students continue on MAS under specific conditions with a defined plan to remedy deficiencies within the SVM's regulations.

The APRC reviews all students after each modular examination and at the end of each term. The Committee does not hear individual course or examination disputes, which should be resolved between students and course directors before the APRC meeting.

All students who wish to contest an examination or course grade should consult the course and/or unit director. Students must resolve grade concerns within one year of the course.