Tuberculosis Screening


Screening consists of a 2-step PPD test or an interferon gamma release assay blood test, e.g. QuantiFERON - TB Gold within 6 months prior to the start of their first rotation. This requirement is only for students who do not have a history of a positive PPD.

The 2 step PPD consists of 2 PPD skin test administered 1 – 3 weeks apart. The PPD must be indicated in millimeters. If you choose the IGRA test (Ex: QuantiFERON - TB Gold), a single screening will complete the TB requirements as long as the result is negative. Students with a history of BCG vaccination or anti-tuberculosis therapy are not excluded from this requirement.

If your QuantiFERON-TB Gold is positive or your PPD is >10mm now or by history, you need not repeat these. In this case, the following statement must be signed and dated by a physician and submitted along with the official report of a recent chest x-ray.  This must be done annually.

“I have been asked to evaluate _______ (student name) because of a positive PPD (>10mm) or a positive QuantiFERON - TB Gold. Based upon the student’s history, my physical exam and recent chest X-ray (date < 6 months), I certify that the student is free of active tuberculosis and poses no risk to patients.”

The exam and the chest x-ray should be completed within 6 months prior to the start of the first rotation.