Seven-, Six-, and Five-Year MD Track

Depending upon their academic achievement levels, students wishing to achieve the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree may enter the seven-, six-, or five-year MD Track, which starts with the preclinical phase delivered on the True Blue campus in Grenada, West Indies. The Faculty Student Selection Committee of the Committee on Admission places the applicants into the first, second, or third year of the preclinical phase according to the applicant’s academic background. Throughout all years of the preclinical phase, there is a strong focus on study skills development and academic enhancement.

The preclinical phase curriculum is designed as a firm foundation for the advanced studies offered later in the medical phase of the MD program. These years of study are comprised of preclinical sciences, social sciences, and humanities, and serve as a foundation to the basic sciences which comprise the first two years of the medical phase.

The third year of the preclinical phase consists of upper-level biomedical and behavioral science courses designed to strengthen students’ preclinical sciences foundation and learning development program to enhance the opportunity for success in advanced medical studies. The Supplemental Instruction Model of peer learning, as well as peer review groups and mentoring, are offered for science courses taught within the preclinical program. Throughout all years of the preclinical program, there is a strong focus on study skills development and academic enhancement.

Students who complete the preclinical phase with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.2 or better and pass the Preclinical Science Comprehensive Examination (PMSCE) meet the promotion requirements to advance into the first year of the basic sciences phase of the four-year Doctor of Medicine degree program.

Students who do not hold a first degree and who wish to obtain a bachelor’s degree in the course of their studies may be eligible to do so. Evaluation of prior educational background will determine eligibility and appropriate placement within the BSc/MD program.

Additionally, any US citizen or US permanent resident is required to take the MCAT examination and have the scores reported to the School.