- Meetings:
- Meetings of the APRC will be following every examination period for the Basic Sciences and at least bi-monthly for the clinical phase
- Ad hoc meetings may be held for the interim review of students identified by the Registrar of Dean of Students
- Each committee meeting will be chaired by the Chair or designee.
- Recommendations will be passed by simple majority.
- In the event of a tied vote, the Chair or Chair’s designee will cast a vote
- Recommendations will be made to the relevant Sr. Associate Dean with copy to the Registrar and Dean of Students office.
- Meetings of the APRC will be following every examination period for the Basic Sciences and at least bi-monthly for the clinical phase
- APRC Procedures:
- Following every summative assessment (interim review) and promotion period (end of term, academic year, or phase) the Academic Progress Review Committee (APRC) reviews student performance and identifies students with performance trends that indicate students are at risk of not achieving performance standards.
- During interim reviews the committee identifies students at risk of not meeting standards and recommends the following:
- mandatory advising meetings during which Academic Advisors meet individually with these students to discuss program requirements and standards, identify obstacles to progress, consider opportunities for improvement, and develop individualized learning plans (as appropriate)
- academic support (ITI, CR) to be offered during mandatory advising meetings
- mandatory clerkship placement advising meetings (GAP and clinical students) to plan for completion of clinical requirements within timeline standards.
- issuance by the Sr. Associate Dean reminders, notifications, and warnings related to the progress of those students at risk of not meeting MD program standards for progress, including stipulations given to facilitate the achievement of progress and performance standards.
- The issuance of timeline extensions with stipulations for program completion for those GAP/Clinical students with extenuating circumstances resulting in timeline interruptions/delays
- During an end of term, academic year, or phase review of student progress and performance, identifies students who are not meeting standards for academic progress and promotion and recommends the following:
- Academic support (e.g. ITI) to be offered to students or exemption from requirements for those meeting standards following at-risk performance or an academic setback.
- The retention of students failing to meet MD program standards for progress and promotion as per standards for retaining students, including stipulations given to facilitate the future achievement of progress and performance standards.
- The dismissal of students dismissal of students failing to meet MD program standards for progress and promotion as per standards for recommending dismissal
- During its review of review of student progress and performance, the APRC will recommend the commendation of high achieving students. End of term and phase recommendations for commendation will be made as per standards for acknowledging students with exceptional academic achievement.
- Voting
- Voting members are the appointed faculty members designated to vote.
- Quorum: A quorum will be half plus one or greater of the voting members.