- Expectation of members: Although members are selected to ensure broad representation of the SOM, members have the responsibility to function as “members of the whole,” rather than to represent the interests of a particular constituency.
- Faculty: The CAPPS membership consists of voting and non-voting members:
- Basic Sciences CAPPS:
- Voting members will consist of five basic sciences faculty members appointed by the senior associate dean of basic sciences and at least one clinical faculty member appointed by the dean of Medicine. Voting members will not hold administrative posts that involve making decisions on students’ performance.
- Non-voting members include one representative from the dean of Students Office (DOS) and one representative from the Department of Educational Services (DES).
- CAPPS voting members who are assigned to provide instruction in Year 1 of the Basic Sciences, along with at least one clinical faculty member, will participate in the CAPPS reviews of Year 2 students. CAPPS voting members who are assigned to provide instruction in Year 2 of the Basic Sciences, along with at least one clinical faculty member, will participate in the CAPPS reviews of Year 1 students.
- Clinical CAPPS:
- The clinical CAPPS will be composed of at least five clinical faculty members appointed by the Deans of Clinical Studies and two basic sciences faculty members, appointed by the senior Associate dean of Basic Sciences.
- A CAPPS voting member participating in a meeting, who personally knows a student being discussed, will excuse him/herself during the discussion of that student.
- Terms: Faculty committee members will serve three-year terms. Members may serve two consecutive terms. No person will serve more than two consecutive terms.
- Election of faculty members: The members of the CAPPS are appointed as described above.
- Other invitees who are nonvoting: invited representatives from DOS, DES, Registrar, CEAD office
- The Chair of both CAPPS is the dean for academic affairs.
- Resignation: If an elected committee member chooses to step down from the CAPPS prior to completion of their term of office, the senior Associate dean will appoint a replacement based on recommendations from the SOM senate.
- Possible replacement for absenteeism: Members who miss more than two consecutive CAPPS meetings will be dismissed from the committee and a replacement sought.
- Basic Sciences CAPPS: