Faculty members in the basic sciences component of the SOM 4-year MD program are responsible for establishing appropriate opportunities for interactions with students in addition to scheduled lectures. A minimum of ten (10) hours per week of faculty-student interaction are required of those faculty not teaching in a laboratory or practical settings, and six (6) office hours for those that have laboratory assignments.
In addition, themed office hours should be offered as relevant to the faculty member’s basic sciences content. The standard expectation is one themed office hour per 2-3 hours of lecture content delivered. Additional themed office hours may be offered based on need or content complexity. The format for these themed office hours is at the discretion of the faculty member. All themed office hours must be advertised to all students enrolled in the course, recorded in Zoom or other appropriate program, uploaded to Panopto, and the link made available to the class. Themed office hours should facilitate review and clarification of material previously taught and should not be used for the delivery of new content. However, new forms of delivery/review for previously taught material, such as the use of cases or MCQs, are encouraged.
Faculty-student interaction can be facilitated through a mix of electronic forms (e.g., Zoom, chat rooms, discussion forums) and scheduled office hours. A schedule of office hours including themed office hours will be made available for each module.
Faculty members in the clinical years three and four should publish a weekly schedule of their office hours per week based on the number of students during the rotation.
All academic advisors must publish their office hours or availability of appointments to students, their DMEs and the Clerkship Directors.