Module coordinators are faculty from one of the disciplines within a course, who are responsible for overseeing the coordination and posting of material and content for a specific module within the larger course. This includes the tasks and responsibilities listed below. They are appointed by the Content (Discipline) manager, in conjunction with discussion with the Course Director. The major responsibilities of the module coordinators are:
- Ensure faculty have submitted all resources prior to module start: Lectures slides, directed learning activities (DLAs), small group (SG) materials, and objectives for the module.
- Ask content managers to provide a list of objectives for each module associated with each learning activity, lecture, small group etc.
- Check that course materials (lecture handouts, DLAs, small group materials, practice questions) are properly formatted.
- Work with module secretary to ensure all resources are loaded before the start of the module and that they are labelled and uploaded in an organized sequence.
- Check that the SL mirror site has the lecture slides and Panopto links available (year 1)
- Form a list of educational activities and objectives for each activity within the module
- Coordinate submission of Examsoft quiz questions and IMCQ questions for review
- Create and review questions for Exam soft quizzes
- Coordinate weekly gradebook updates with module secretary and faculty.
- Year 1: Coordinate communication between NU/SGU faculty, discipline managers, course director and staff
- With module secretary, post schedule of faculty themed office hours on Sakai. All faculty teaching in a given week should offer office hours and themed office hours should be scheduled each week.
- Monitor the course email and respond to general/administrative queries for the module. forward email as needed to faculty, course directors or content managers.