1. Years 1 and 2
All full-time teaching faculty are evaluated at the end of each module that they contribute to. Clinical instructors and teaching fellows are evaluated at the end of each session they facilitate. All module and end-of course evaluations are administered by The Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA), on behalf of the SOM, using the designated SGU evaluation software.
Student evaluations relating to instruction and course performance are one component of the cumulative performance information that is used to inform decisions relating to faculty appointments, renewals, promotions, remediation, and dismissal. Course directors and department have access to the evaluations of all faculty under their administrative purview. Each individual faculty member also receives their feedback and can see their scores relative to the mean of all the faculty contributing to that module or course.
2. Teaching Faculty Review - Years 3 and 4
Formal evaluation of clinical faculty occurs at yearly performance review meetings, as described in Section D.1 above, along with feedback from clerkship directors, DMEs, students and site visits by SGU chairs and deans. The basis for student evaluation of faculty is the confidential electronic questionnaire that all students complete at the end of each core clerkship (see Appendix 4). The DME, clinical department chairs and SGU administration have access to students’ anonymous responses. Informal local knowledge of faculty, although difficult to formalize, constitutes an integral part of day-to-day faculty evaluation. Written reports because of site visits made by clinical department chairs and deans add an additional level of evaluation.
Ultimately, the DME is responsible for ensuring that:
- the faculty teaching SGU SOM students are of high quality
- the faculty teaching SGU SOM students at each hospital is evaluated appropriately as per the current policy for clinical faculty performance evaluations
- feedback to the faculty is timely and formalized