School of Medicine Faculty Senate Standing Rules

(Version: Feb2014)

NB: The Senate Standing Rules will be revised by the relevant committees in light of the December 2021 changes to the Senate By-laws.


1.1 School of Medicine Faculty Senate Meetings

REC: 2-10-96A (i) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (a)]

Recommendations originating at the meetings of the School of Medicine Division of the Faculty Senate shall be labeled according to Senate acronym, date and sequence. For example, three recommendations passed on January 30, 1997 would be reported:

REC. SOMFS- 30-01-97(a) REC. SOMFS- 30-01-97 (b) REC. SOMFS- 30-01-97 (c) Recommendations forwarded by the School of Medicine Executive Committee would be designated by the letter “S”. See REC: SOMEC 13.6.97 (a).

1.2 School of Medicine Executive Committee Meetings.

REC: 2-10-96A (ii) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (b)]

Recommendations from the School of Medicine Executive Committees shall be labeled according to the committee acronym, date, and sequence. For example, three recommendations passed by the School of Medicine Executive committee on October 25,1996 would be reported:

REC SOMEC 25-10-96 (a) REC. SOMEC. 25-10-96 (b) REC. SOMEC. 25-10-96 (c) Recommendations  approved  by  the  School  of  Medicine  Executive  Committee,  but originating  in  a  School  of  Medicine  Standing  Committee  be  so  designated  by  the addition of the letter “E” to Standing Committee classification. As example, a recommendation originating in the School of Medicine Standing Committees on January 27, 1997 would be recorded as follows.

REC: SOM-SAA. 27-1-97 (a) ------------------------> REC: SOM-SAA. 27-1-97 (a) E Subsequent ratification by the ratified by the Senate would be designated by the letter “S” as follows: REC: SAA-C. 27-1-97(a) E, S

1.3 School of Medicine Standing Committee Meetings.

Recommendations originating in the School of Medicine Standing Committees shall be initially labeled according to School of Medicine Standing Committee acronym, date and sequence. A recommendation originating in the School of Medicine Student Academic Affairs, Curriculum, and Faculty Affairs Standing Committees on January 27, 1997 would be recorded, respectively, as:

REC: SOM-SAA. 27-1-97 REC: SOM-C. 27-1-97 REC: SOM-FA. 27-1-97


2.1 Divisional Meetings.

REC: 2-10-96A (iii) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (C)]

Recommendations originating at Divisional meetings shall be labeled according to Division, date and sequence. In addition, the Division from which it originated, i.e. Basic Science Division (B) or Clinical Division (C) must be specified. For example recommendations passed by the Basic Sciences and Clinical Division on November 30, 1996 would be reported respectively as:

REC. DIV-B. 30-11-96 (a) or REC. DIV.C. 30-11-96 (a)

Recommendations approved by the Divisional Executive Committees, but originating in a Divisional Standing Committee be so designated by the addition of the letter “E” to Standing Committee classification. As example, a recommendation originating from Student Academic Affairs Standing Committees on January 27, 1997 would be recorded as follows, depending on the Division.

REC: SAA-C. 27-1-97 (a) ------------------------> REC: SAA-C. 27-1-97 (a) E REC: SAA-B. 27-1-97(a) ------------------------> REC: SAA-B. 27-1-97 (a) E

Subsequent ratification by the ratified by the respective Division would be designated by the letter “D” as follows.

REC: SAA-C. 27-1-97(a) E, D or REC: SAA-C. 27-1-97(a) E, D

Similarly,   recommendations   forwarded   from,   and   originating  in,   the Divisional Executive Committee would be designated as

REC. DIV-B. 30-11-96 (a) or REC. DIV.C. 30-11-96 (a)

2.2 Divisional Executive Committee Meeting.

REC: 2-10-96A (iv) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (d)]

Recommendations from the Divisional Executive Committees shall be labeled according to the Division, date, and sequence.     For example, recommendations passed by the Basic Sciences and Clinical Divisional Executive committee on October 25, 1996 would be reported respectively as:

REC. DEX-B. 25-10-96 (a) and REC. DEX-C. 25-10-96 (a)

2.3 Divisional Standing Committee Meetings.

REC: 2-10-96A (v) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (e)]

Recommendations from the Standing Committees, viz. Faculty Affairs (FA), Student Academic Affairs (SAA), and Curriculum (c) shall be labeled by the Standing Committee, Division, date, and sequence. For example: Two recommendations passed by the Basic Science Division Student Academic Affairs, C committee on September 25, would be reported as:

REC. SAA-B. 25-9-96 (a) and REC. SAA-B. 25-9-96 (b)

Two recommendations passed on the same day by the Faculty Affairs Committee of the Clinical Division would be reported as: REC. FA-C. 25-9-96 (a) and REC. FA-C. 25-9-96 (b)

2.4 Retroactive Classification.

REC: 2-10-96B [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (f)]

Be it resolved that classification of recommendations made from January 1, 1995 to the adoption of this recommendation be additionally labeled as described in REC: 2-10-96A


3.1 School of Medicine Division of the Faculty Senate Recommendations.

REC: 2-10-96C (i) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (g)]

The President of the School of Medicine Division of the Faculty Senate shall be responsible for presenting recommendations from the Faculty Senate to the appropriate administrative officers of the School of Medicine including the Chancellor, the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Chairman of the University Council of Deans, Academic Board, Board of Trustees, Business Administrator, or any other board, committee, or individual  that  the  School  of  Medicine  Division  of  the  Faculty  Senate  deems appropriate. The President shall report promptly any responses obtained.

3.2 School of Medicine Executive Committee Recommendations.

REC: 2-10-96C (ii) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (h)]

The Chair of the School of Medicine Executive Committee (Vice- President) shall be responsible for presenting recommendations, that cannot await the next Senate meeting, from the School of Medicine Executive Committee to the appropriate administrative officers of the School of Medicine including the Chancellor, the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Chairman of the University Council of Deans, Academic Board, Board of Trustees, Business Administrator, or any other board, committee, or individual that the School of Medicine Division of the Faculty Senate deems appropriate. The President shall report promptly any responses obtained.

3.3 School of Medicine Standing Committee Recommendations.

REC: 2-10-96C (v) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (k)]

Recommendations  from  each  School  of  Medicine  Standing  Committee  shall  be forwarded to the School of Medicine Executive committee. The Executive Committee may either (a) pass the recommendations and forward them to the appropriate administrative officers, if action cannot await the next Faculty Senate meeting, or (b) return the recommendation, with comments, to the relevant Standing Committee for reconsideration. Standing committee issues that result in a tie vote shall be forwarded, with opposing comments to the School of Medicine Executive Committee which can either (a) deliberate and decide the issue, or (b) return it to the relevant Standing Committee for reconsideration.


4.1 Divisional Recommendations.

REC: 2-10-96C (iii) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (i)]

The Chair of each Division shall be responsible for presenting Divisional recommendations to the appropriate administrative officers of the School of Medicine including the Chancellor, the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Chairman of the University Council of Deans, Academic Board, Board of Trustees, Business Administrator, or any other board, committee, or individual that the School of Medicine Division of the Faculty Senate deems appropriate. The Chair shall report promptly any responses obtained.

4.2 Divisional Executive Committee Recommendations.

REC: 2-10-96C (iv) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (j)]

The Chair of each Divisional Executive Committee (Chair of the Division) shall be responsible for presenting all Executive Committee recommendations that cannot await the next Divisional meeting to the appropriate administrative officers of the School of Medicine including the Chancellor, the Dean of the School of Medicine, the Chairman of the University Council of Deans, Academic Board, Board of Trustees, Business Administrator, or any other board, committee, or individual that the School of Medicine Division of the Faculty Senate deems appropriate. The Chair shall report promptly any responses obtained.

4.3 Divisional Standing Committee Recommendations.

REC: 2-10-96C (vi) [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (l)]

Recommendations from each Divisional Standing Committee shall be forwarded to their respective Divisional Executive Committee. The Divisional Executive committee may either (a) pass the recommendation, and bring it to its Division for ratification; or (b) return the recommendation, with comments, to the relevant Standing Committee for reconsideration.


REC: 2-10-96D [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96 (m)]

Be it resolved that the procedure for forwarding recommendations to the Chancellor, the Dean of the School of Medicine, or the Chairman of the University Council of Deans be adopted as follows:

Recommendations shall be forwarded to the Chancellor, the Dean of the School of Medicine and the Chairman of the University Council of Deans in the approved format (below) for their action, with the request to bring relevant recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The following official operating guidelines shall be included with the recommendations.

“Official Guidelines Operating Procedures for University Committee” sent to the faculty by Chancellor Modica in March 1986.

“As a general University policy, whenever a recommendation is made to a committee or person, that committee or person must answer in writing within 30 days, unless a longer or shorter period is specified. The answer must be in the following forms:

  1. Written    agreement    with    the    recommendation,    including    a    timetable    for implementation.
  2. Written  disagreement,  which  outlines  the  reasons  for  not  implementing  the recommendation.
  3. Written discussion of the recommendation, with comments and suggestions for more discussion at the next committee meeting.
  4. Written communication to the committee, which outlines that the recommendation has been passed on to such-and-such committee or person for further study.
  5. It is the responsibility of the Chair of each committee to ensure that these guidelines are followed.


6.1 Designated School of Medicine Standing Committees.

REC: 2-9-96A (i) [REC. SOMEC 2-9-96 (a)]

School  of  Medicine  Division  of  the  Faculty Senate  Standing  Committees  shall  be: Faculty Affairs and Student Academic Affairs.

6.2 Membership of School of Medicine Standing Committees.

REC: 2-9-96A (ii) [REC. SOMEC 2-9-96 (b)]

Each School of Medicine Standing Committee shall be comprised of eight members as follows:

Four members from each Basic Science Divisional Standing Committee, comprised of the  Chair  and  three  other  members  selected  from,  and  by,  the  members  of  each Divisional Standing Committee.

Four members from each Clinical Division Standing Committee, comprised of the Chair and  three  other  members  selected  from,  and  by,  the  members  of  each  Divisional Standing Committee.

6.3 Quorum: School of Medicine Standing Committees.

REC: 2-9-96A (iii) [REC. SOMEC 2-9-96 (c)]

The quorum for the School of Medicine Standing Committees shall be four members, two from the Basic Sciences Division and two from the Clinical Division.

6.4 Term of Office: School of Medicine Standing Committees.

REC: 2-9-96A (iv) [REC. SOMEC 2-9-96 (d)]

The term of office for members of the School of Medicine Faculty Standing Committees shall parallel their term of office in their respective Divisional Standing Committee.

6.5 Officers of School of Medicine Standing Committees.

REC: 2-9-96A (v) [REC. SOMEC 2-9-96 (e)]

One of the Divisional Standing committee Chairs will serve as Chair of the respective School of Medicine Standing committee.

The Chair will alternate each year between the Basic Sciences Division and the Clinical Division.

The secretary for each School of Medicine Standing Committee will be elected from, and by the committee.

6.6 School of Medicine Standing Committee Recommendations.

REC: 2-9-96A (vi) [REC. SOMEC 2-9-96 (f)]

Each School of Medicine Standing Committee shall forward recommendations to the School of Medicine Executive Committee.   See   REC:   2-10-96C   (ii)   [REC.   SOMEC   2-10-96   (h)] ”Fate   of Recommendations”.

6.7 Deputies: School of Medicine Standing Committees.

REC: 2-9-96A (vii) [REC. SOMEC 2-9-96 (g)]

When a member of the School of Medicine Standing Committee is unable to attend a meeting, he/she may select a member of his/her Divisional Standing Committee to act as his/her voting representative. The Chair must be notified of any substitutions.


7.1 Divisional Executive Committee.

7.1.1 Terms of office: Divisional Executive Committees

REC: 2-10-96K [REC. SOMEC 2-10-96]

Be it resolved that the initial six members of each Divisional Executive Committee (excluding the Chair) shall serve in staggered terms so that two members will serve for three years, two for two years, and two for one year. Thereafter, two members shall be elected annually for a three year term. Divisional Executive committee members cannot be re-elected for more than two consecutive terms

7.1.2 Replacing a Member: Divisional Executive Committees

REC: 28-11-96 [REC. SOMEC 28-11-96]

Be it resolved that when an elected member of the Divisional Executive committee cannot complete his/her term of office, the Divisional Executive committee shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy until the next annual election, at which time the newly elected member shall complete the term of the departed member. Consideration for this interim appointment should include individuals who were nominated for this position at the previous election.

7.2 Divisional Standing Committees.

7.2.1 Membership: Divisional Standing Committees

REC. SOM 13-2-14 (a)

Each standing committee in the Basic Sciences  Division shall be comprised of six elected faculty members (with one student representative serving on Student Academic Affairs). The membership of the Clinical Division Affairs Committee shall consist of ten elected faculty members, with four being from the United States and four from the United Kingdom and two from Grenada.

7.2.2 Term of Office: Divisional Standing Committees

REC. SOM 13-2-14 (b)

When  a  new  standing  committee  is  established,  the  time  in  office  of  those  initial members shall be staggered so that there is reasonable continuity from one year to the next. Members shall be elected annually for a three year term. Standing committee members cannot be re-elected for more than two consecutive terms.

7.2.3 Chair: Divisional Standing Committees

REC: 2-10-96F [REC. SOMEC 26-9-96 (c)]

Be it resolved that each Divisional Standing Committee Chair shall be elected from, and by, the committee members for a one year term, but may not be re-elected as Chair for more than two additional terms. Should that individual be re-elected to that committee, he/she cannot be elected as Chair until one year has transpired.

7.2.4 Secretary: Divisional Standing Committees

REC: 2-10-96G [REC. SOMEC 26-9-96 (d)]

Be it resolved that each Divisional Standing Committee Secretary shall be elected from, and by, the committee members for a one-year term, but may not be re-elected as Secretary for more than two additional terms. Should that individual be re-elected to that committee, he/she cannot be re-elected as Secretary until one year has transpired. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining minutes of committees and distribution of same to the relevant Standing Committee members, and to the Divisional Secretary.

7.2.5 Replacing a Member; Divisional Standing Committees

REC: 2-10-96H [REC. SOMEC 26-9-96 (e)]

Be it resolved that when an elected member of any Standing Committee cannot complete his/her term of office, the Divisional Executive committee, in consultation with the Chair of the affected committee, shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy until the next annual election, at which time the newly elected member shall complete the term of the departed member.

7.2.7 Quorum: Divisional Standing Committees

REC: 2-10-96J [REC. SOMEC 26-9-96 (g)]

Be it resolved that the quorum of any Divisional Standing Committee shall be a simple majority of the elected members. A deputy attending in lieu of an elected member will count toward quorum.


Pending review and ratification by the relevant senate committees in light of the December 2021 changes to the senate by-laws.

8.1 School of Medicine Faculty Affairs Committee.

The charge/remit of the School of Medicine Faculty Affairs Committee is:

  • Personnel search: (a) Guidelines for the selection of Departmental Chairs and (b)
  • operating procedures for the search for Chair and DMEs.
  • Review guidelines    for    Clinical    Visiting    Professors    and    monitoring    of implementation.
  • Review of guidelines for grievances and appeals.
  • Development of liaison with WINDREF (Windward Islands Research Foundation).
  • Develop guidelines for Faculty attendance at graduation at SGUSOM expense.

8.2 School of Medicine Student Academic Affairs.

The Charge/remit of the School of Medicine Student Academic Affairs Committee is

  • Promotions guidelines
  • Appeals processes and procedures a) academic
  • Grading and examination standards

8.3 Basic Sciences Division Committees.

8.3.1 Basic  Sciences  Division  Faculty  Affairs Committee.  

The  Faculty  Affairs Committee  is  charged  with  the  responsibility  of  overseeing  the  following  areas  of faculty concern:

  • Personnel search
  • Evaluations/promotions
  • Grievances/appeals
  • Research
  • Ethics
  • Benefits
  • Visiting professors
  • Budget

The Faculty Affairs Committee shall directly advise the Dean of Basic and Allied Health Sciences and the Associate Dean of Preclinical Faculty on the following:

  • Personnel search
  • Contractual arrangements/letters of appointment
  • Evaluation and promotion of faculty
  • Merit and cost of living salary adjustments
  • Instructor teaching evaluations
  • Recommendations for professor emeritus

In addition, this committee shall have the responsibility of reporting to the Senate on the following matters of policy:

  • Research, including research ethics
  • Budgetary process
  • Faculty  benefits,  including  hospitalization  and  life  insurance  programs, housing, fringe benefits, pensions, and other personnel policies.
  • Grievances

Specifically, the Faculty Affairs Committee shall discharge its duties and responsibilities in the following manner:

  • Recommendations and input concerning contractual arrangements as well as annual letters of appointment shall be handled by the committee as a whole.
  • Ad hoc Grievance/Appeals Subcommittees shall be appointed to consider individual cases should they arise.
  • Faculty research programs, including research ethics, shall be the purview of a separate Research and Scholarly Activity Panel.
  • Merit  cost-of-living  salary  adjustments  and  faculty  benefits-with  a  few exceptions, i.e., health and life insurance - shall be considered by the committee as a whole.
  • Instructor teaching evaluations are considered, in close consultation with the appropriate deans, by the committee as a whole.
  • The visiting professor program, as formulated by the administration, shall be overseen by the committee as a whole.
  • The  budgetary  process  and  procedures,  shall  be  the  responsibility  of  a separate subcommittee, which shall report through the Faculty Affairs Committee.

8.3.2 Basic Sciences Division Student Academic Affairs Committee.

The Student Academic Affairs Committee shall concern itself with:

  1. Student  academic  progress,  including  assessment  of  student  cognitive  and  non- cognitive skills;
  2. Grading and examination standards
  3. Examination procedures [to include security and methodology (including computer- based testing]

8.4 Clinical Division Committee Charges.

8.4.1 Clinical Division Affairs Committee.

REC. SOM 13-2-14 (d)

The charges of the Clinical Division Affairs Committee encompass the broad array of clinical faculty concerns, including:

  1. Faculty affairs, including the continuing development of mechanisms for evaluation and promotion of clinical faculty
  2. Student academic affairs, including academic progress, appeals and the standards governing examinations and grades
  3. Curricular affairs
  4. Integration of basic science and clinical programs
  5. Development  and  facilitation  of  faculty  development  activities,  including  the selection of topics and speakers for plenary lectures