The Senate Officer is an administrative position and reports to the President of the SGU Senate and to the Presidents of the respective School Senates. The Senate Officer’s main role is to ensure that Senate policies and procedures are applied and interpreted accurately, consistently, and fairly for the University community. Their specific senate-related responsibilities include:
- Collect information for and establish the agenda for all senate meetings, in consultation with the relevant Chair of the SGU senate and the chairs of the respective School senates.
- Organize, coordinate, and attend all Senate meetings. Ensure accuracy, proper formatting and distribution of agenda; ensure meeting efficiency and organization; record, write, maintain, and distribute decision minutes. Consult with chairs/Directors, committee chairs and others regarding their submissions to Senate. Advise and assist the Chair and Vice-Chair of Senate regarding meeting procedures as appropriate.
- Act as a resource to the Chair at Senate meetings.
- Schedule and coordinate the activities of the standing committees of Senate; forward information to committees as appropriate; act as a liaison among committees and between committees and the Committee chairs as needed; ensure that the efforts of the committees are coordinated with each other and with university policy; and forward and track the status of committee recommendations.
- Act as a resource and provide advice to the committees on senate policies and Procedures.
- Coordinate the entire nomination and election process, for Senate and Senate Standing committees
- Manage the office of the Secretary of Senate. Ensure the integrity of systems designed to maintain records of Senate, and other related documents