
  1. How consistent was feedback on your performance? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  2. How helpful was your mid-core evaluation? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  3. How many deliveries did you participate in during the rotation? 5- Exceptional greater than 25 deliveries; 4-Good between 24 and 15; 3-Adequate between 14 and 10; 2-Minimal between 9 and 5; 1-Poor less than 5; Not Done 0
  4. How many pelvic examinations have you performed during your rotation? 5- Exceptional greater than 25; 4-Good between 24 and 15; 3-Adequate between 14 and 10; 2-Minimal between 9 and 5; 1-Poor less than 5; Not Done 0
  5. How was the review of your patient logs? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  6. How was your end of the rotation communication skills and final assessment evaluation? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  7. How was your experience in the operating room? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  8. How well did the clerkship fulfill the goals and objectives described at orientation? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  9. How well were the clerkship goals, objectives and requirements explained to you at orientation? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  10. How well were you instructed in the performance of a patient work-up? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  11. How well were you integrated with the health care team? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  12. How were your teaching sessions for students only? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  13. How would you rate the quality of teaching? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  14. How would you rate the volume and mix of clinical cases? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  15. How would you rate your overall experience of the clerkship? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  16. I did not experience and/or witness mistreatment of students during this educational experience (e.g., harassment, discrimination, public humiliation, psychological/physical punishment) If any mistreatment was witnessed, please document in comment box. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  17. I feel supported in my personal and professional pursuits by other School of Medicine students. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  18. If you are not specifically interested in Ob/Gyn, how valuable was your clerkship experience? (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good)
  19. Please name and rate with a comment (in text box below) on the attending(s) you worked with most. If you worked with multiple Attendings please write a rating number (1-very poor 2-poor 3-average 4-good 5-very good) next to their name.
  20. SGU Covid-19 education courses improved my understanding of infection and transmission. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  21. The clerkship duty hour limits (50 hours or less per week) were followed. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  22. The clinical site orientation and instruction on the use of PPE was adequate. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  23. The preventative measures at clinical sites protected students from infection. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  24. There are faculty and/or other school representatives that I feel comfortable confiding in when important concerns arise. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  25. This clerkship provides a safe and nurturing emotional climate that focuses on student success. (1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree)
  26. Were you provided with mid-clerkship feedback? (****Important only use 1 for NO or 5 for YES****) 1=No 5=Yes