Healthcare for purposes of this section is defined as psychiatric care, psychological counselling, and physical health services. Generally, any preceptor/SOM faculty or University employee that provides healthcare services to a student must have no role in the assessment or promotion decisions of any student, provided, however, Preceptors/SOM faculty or University employees are not precluded from large class teaching with students for which they provide healthcare services and may contribute assessment items for standardized written examinations for which cohorts are scored. However, providers should play no part in assessment of small groups or individuals, or promotion and retention decisions for students to which they provide healthcare. Providers will, therefore, play no role in APRC, CAPPS, GAB, or any process in which individuals/small groups are assessed. This prohibition shall not apply to the provision of emergency care and shall not preclude a preceptor/SOM faculty/employee from providing emergency healthcare to a student if they play a role in individual student assessment, promotion or retention decisions, however, instances must be declared, and the preceptor/SOM faculty/employee recused in any cases that involve the individual.