A grievance is a work-related problem that is not due to an act or omission that relate to disciplinary action as described in the Faculty Disciplinary Proceedings section of the SGU University Handbook. A grievance can arise out of an improper application of university policy or violation of their appointments. It is a process through which an individual can address complaints and seek remedies, usually in instances where a perceived administrative injustice is perpetrated, or there is a breakdown in inter-collegiate relations, or dissatisfaction with formal Faculty representative structures and their operations. Employment decisions are not subject to the grievance procedures, nor are allegations of misconduct and/or serious violations of workplace policies, including, but not limited to, harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, violence, theft and allegations of violations of law are not subject to the grievance procedure. The grievance procedure should also not be used to challenge the desirability of an academic unit, or any SOM or University policies. Once a grievance is filed, the matter may not be tabled or discussed in any university body, except those entrusted with finalizing the proceedings. The filing of a vexatious, intentionally false grievance against any member of the University may constitute misconduct for which disciplinary action may be appropriate.
A grievance is a process through which an individual faculty member can address complaints and seek remedies, usually in instances of a breakdown in relations with their faculty colleagues or an administrative faculty member.
The formal procedures described here are intended to be used when attempts to resolve the issue informally have been unsuccessful . Faculty who feel aggrieved must first seek a resolution at level of their department, or office prior to filing a formal grievance in order for the grievance to be heard.
Discipline, renewal or non-renewal of faculty employment contracts is not dealt with in terms of this grievance procedure. Once a grievance is filed, the matter may not be raised or discussed in any University body, except those entrusted with finalizing the grievance or conflict proceedings. The filing of a patently unsubstantiated grievance against a faculty member or administrator constitutes misconduct and may result in dismissal of the instigator.