The CC is responsible for the management of the 4-year MD program at all sites. It is comprised of faculty, administrative representatives and students from the SOM representing all phases of the curriculum. The CC integrates the functions of its subcommittees (described below) that evaluate different aspects of the MD program and forms the governance structure for the curriculum. All subcommittees report their recommendations to the CC for final approval.
Basic Sciences Curriculum Sub-Committee (BSCSC)
The BSCSC is responsible for the oversight of the basic sciences courses at all sites; the BSCSC is comprised of MD and PhD faculty of the SOM. The BSCSC evaluates and monitors the courses delivered in the basic sciences to ensure that the course, module and learning objectives and outcomes at all sites are equivalent and integrate with the program objectives of the SOM.
Clinical Curriculum Sub-Committee (CCSC)
The CCSC is responsible for the core clerkships curriculum, electives and sub-internship curriculum at all sites in the clinical years; the CCSC is comprised of MD faculty from the SOM. The subcommittee evaluates and monitors the courses delivered in the clinical years to ensure that the course learning objectives and outcomes at all sites are equivalent and integrate with the program objectives of the SOM.
Student Assessment and Program Evaluation Sub-Committee (SAPESC)
The SAPESC is responsible for monitoring the outcomes data of the assessments in the SOM, monitoring validity, reliability, and discipline performance within the assessments of the SOM. The committee is also charged with monitoring the student evaluation data for the courses and clerkships and covers all phases of the curriculum.
Vertical and Horizontal Integration Sub-Committee (VHISC)
The VHISC is responsible for identifying continuity gaps and unplanned redundancies and reviewing continuity of content threads within the curriculum across the 4-year program.
Academic Resources Sub-Committee (ARSC)
The ARSC is responsible for reviewing the adequacy of educational resources, including facilities, IT resources, library and simulation resources. The ARSC determine the facilities required for any curricular initiatives.