Major job responsibilities include:
- Keep current about all policies and procedures relating to student support and academic achievement.
- Host 30-minute College-specific introduction to college system during Orientation Week.
- Participate in the College-based Ice-Cream social event during Orientation Week.
- Hold a 2-hour College-specific orientation during the first week of classes to welcome and introduce the College membership and generate ideas for social activities and other club-related events.
- Hold standing office hours for student College members at least 4 hours per week.
- Respond to emails sent to the College email address in an expedient fashion (within 24 hours when possible).
- Provide appropriate guidance when student support is not immediately available from the Director and follow-up with such students to ensure that the appropriate support/advice was given.
- In coordination and consultation with the senior associate dean of basic sciences Office, meet with students of the College who are identified as not meeting SOM standards and outcome objectives as defined in the Student Manual.
- Oversee the implementation of the Student Professional Identity and Wellness Program.
- Provide oversight of the personnel contributing to the College (e.g., Fellows and Associates of the College).
- Appoint Student Fellows following a review of applicants for Student Fellowship status in the College.
- Collaborate with Student Government members for the College (as elected through the Student Government Association) to disseminate information, coordinate student activities, and run social and other events.
- In association with the dean of students office, participate in all College and inter-collegiate social events.
- Participate in the white coat ceremony
- Represent the College at all official and ceremonial events.
- Attend standing weekly meetings with the assistant dean who oversees the College system, as well as any additional organizational, planning, and informational meetings.
- Seek feedback from students on the experience within the College each term.
- Submit a comprehensive End-of-Semester College Report to the assistant dean that documents College activity (e.g., student referrals to support services, challenges faced by students, highlights reported by students across all domains of the SGU experience, interpersonal interactions within the College, successes and shortcomings of events).