Addressing an Unfavorable Promotion Decision

Within one week of receiving notice of an unfavorable promotion decision from the Faculty Affairs Promotion Subcommittee, the Senior Associate Dean of basic sciences or Senior Associate Dean for clinical studies, as appropriate, will schedule a meeting with the faculty member, the Assistant Dean for faculty affairs and the relevant chair of department to review the basis for the unfavorable decision.

The FSAP will provide a written summary of the reasons for the unfavorable decision to the applicant, the applicant’s chair of department and to the relevant Dean.

If a candidate wishes to further appeal the unfavorable promotion decision, they must submit a written request to the Dean of the SOM, no later than 1 week after the date of the meeting described in the previous paragraph. The Dean of the SOM will convene a Promotion Appeal Committee composed of 6 members of the full-time faculty (1 of whom is designated as chair and is non-voting), who are not members of the same department as the applicant, and who are hold a rank or experience level equal to or higher than that which the candidate is applying for.


The Promotion Appeal Committee will then analyze the portfolio as per the stated criteria for promotions in this document and will make a recommendation accordingly, within 2 weeks of being convened. In the event they disagree with the original FSAP’s decision, i.e., they make a recommendation supporting promotion, then they must clearly document their grounds for doing so. The recommendation to overturn the initial Promotions subcommittee’s decision must be supported by a majority vote from the voting members of the Promotion Appeal Committee.