Assessments in Basic Sciences

Summative assessments are an integral part of the MD program. Students must complete all Basic Sciences course examinations in order to meet course requirements and earn a final course grade.

Students are expected to comply with examination policies (see Examination Policies) and adhere to the master schedule (published on the Office of the University Registrar site), which provides examination dates and times.

The following are considered summative assessments:

  • Written Course Examinations/Module Examinations
  • Lab Practical Examinations
  • Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs)
  • Objective Structured Practical Examinations (OSPEs)
  • Basic Sciences Comprehensive Examination 1 (BSCE 1)
  • Basic Sciences Comprehensive Examination 2 (BSCE 2)
  • Completion Examinations for missed examinations.
  • Several of these assessments are comprehensive examinations and are described in further detail in the next section.