SCSK 589: Eastern Arts For Step 1

Class Program

20 hours of workshop training on ZOOM: 2 sessions of one hour each/week over a 10 week period. An additional 20-30 minutes/day of personal practice is highly recommended. The sessions will run in the same manner as the other 3 selectives by Mr. Weitzman. Each session begins with a bit of theory, then about 40 minutes of practice and a wrap-up.

This program is very practical. It is offering PRACTICES for dealing with stress and anxiety during test prep and during the test itself. It is not set-up for therapy and discussions about people's emotional states. Any questions (this happens either by people talking or through writing messages on ZOOM) will refer to the practices.

Participants are expected to practice the exercises on their own during the week. Thus, it is a largely experiential learning based program. Participants are not asked to do any theoretical research (this would not be the best idea while studying for STEP 1).

There is research about meditation and health. A diverse range of meditative exercises from the Eastern arts may help alleviate students' stress and anxiety while preparing for the STEPS. This may lead to two outcomes:

  1. Improved state of health and well-being
  2. Improved test scores.