The Medical Student Research Institute

SGUSOM has invested extensively in developing a Medical Student Research Institute (MSRI). This is part of our mission to establish research as an integral component of the MD program. The MSRI grew out of SGU’s conviction that research is necessary for progress in the understanding of health and disease and for improving patient care. The MSRI provides an opportunity for exceptional students to spend part of their medical school experience involved in basic, clinical, translational or social science research under expert faculty mentorship. Students have the opportunity to conduct research within the specialties that interest them with expectations that this will shape their career goals and help build an academic track record that will be viewed favorably by competitive residency programs.

The MSRI offers two tracks for students:

  • Distinction in Research 

             This track is available to students in Terms 2 through 5 with at least an A average.  Once accepted into this program, students become involved in research throughout medical school and have the opportunity to graduate with “Distinction in Research”.

  • Research Member 

This is available to students who have completed Term 5 with at least a B average and are usually arranged individually by students and clinical faculty at affiliated hospitals.  Students in their clinical terms can select from a variety of research projects and faculty mentors and begin a unique mentored experience in clinical research.  

Both tracks are available only to students who have a strong academic record. The faculty has established these criteria because they believe that the primary responsibility of all medical students is to master the material in their basic science courses and clinical rotations and strive for academic excellence. Students can also do research independently. However, as important as research is, students cannot let it interfere with their academic performance.

Interested students are encouraged to review the selection criteria and required documents needed to become a member of the MSRI.  Students are able to obtain more detailed information on the MSRI website. The University will award students who publish manuscripts and meet the MSRI criteria an “MD with Distinction in Research” at the time of graduation.