Participation in Continuous Quality Improvement

Student feedback is critical to the continued growth of the University and its future students. Student feedback about the quality of MD program delivery and instruction at SGU helps to improve the education of future medical professionals. It is the professional responsibility of all students to complete evaluations for each course and clerkship. Students who fail to participate in the evaluation process are considered non-compliant and unprofessional and may be subject to disciplinary action.

SGUSOM uses an electronic questionnaire to collect student feedback on the core rotations. These questionnaires are in Appendix F and are sent automatically to each student at the completion of each clerkship. Each department has modified the questionnaire to measure the extent that a specific clerkship rotation meets the departmental guidelines and objectives. Data from these questionnaires provides documentation enabling the deans, department chairs, DME’s and clerkship directors to monitor the educational program in each clerkship at each hospital based on student experience and opinion and for the curriculum committee to ensure comparability and to monitor the quality of the MD program.

For students, an aspect of professional behavior requires a commitment to improve the medical school. Given the importance of student feedback, the School of Medicine only gives students access to their clerkship final evaluation after completion and submission of the relevant questionnaire. Answers are confidential. While the school can ascertain which students have participated in the evaluation process, it does not match a response to an individual student.