SGU-SGS Absence Reporting Procedures


Medical excuses will be based on self-reporting by students. Students who feel they are too sick to take an examination or attend a required educational activity must fill out the Medical Excuse Form on the University Portal . This form will be sent automatically to the Course Director(s), University Health Services, Dean of Students Office, and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

The Medical Excuse Form states that the student does not feel well enough that day to take an examination or participate in another required educational activity.

Students are only allowed two such excuses in an academic year. The third excuse results in the case being reviewed by the Dean of Students (DOS), the SGS Dean’s Council and the Director of the University Health Services (UHS), which may result in a Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence (MMLOA). Refer to the policies on Completion Examinations in this manual located further below in this section.

Students may request a medical excuse request for three consecutive days. If illness persists for more than three days, students are not advised to fill out a second Medical Excuse Form. Students are directed to visit University Health Services.