1. All examination materials are the intellectual property of St George’s University. Reproduction and/or distribution of examination materials, by any means, including reconstruction through memorization, are strictly prohibited.
  2. If you become aware of any suspicious activity related to an SGU examination, please notify the Course Director immediately.
  3. Examination irregularities, including falsely reporting technical difficulties, potential violations of the honor code, or other breaches of the examination rules and regulations will be investigated.
  4. The Course Director may withhold the examination scores during an ongoing investigation.
  5.  Once a violation of the examination rules and regulations has been confirmed, the Course Director may impose a score of “zero” (0 points) for the examination.
  6. All ID files, monitoring files, and exam result files need to be uploaded for a valid exam score to stand. Absence of any of these files will result in a score of “zero” (0 points) for the examination.
  7. Failure to meet the hardware and software requirements for the examination, including failure to update to the required version of Examplify, will result in a score of “zero” (0 points) for the examination.
  8. In cases of severe violations of the examination rules and regulations, the Dean may initiate disciplinary action, which may ultimately result in dismissal.
  9. When cheating is suspected, it is not the obligation of the University to prove violation beyond a shadow of a doubt, but rather by a preponderance of the credible evidence submitted. Any suspected violations are reviewed by a university panel.