Implications for Academic Progress

 The final grade for the core clerkship is determined by grades earned for each of the 5 components.

  • Students must successfully complete all core clerkship/FM/GP requirements and pass each core clerkship/required rotation/elective.
  • Students who do not complete required clerkship components by the scheduled end of a clerkship and are not on an approved LOA and will earn a failing grade for the clerkship. An approved medical excuse is required for students to delay the end of clerkship NBME exam. Note: only one medical excuse is permitted per year.
  • Students with a failing grade for the core clerkship/FM/GP required rotation will be required to repeat the clerkship/rotation in order to remediate academic deficiencies and earn a second grade for the clerkship.
  • Students are permitted only one failure during the clinical studies phase of the curriculum.  Students with a second failing grade in the clinical terms will be recommended for dismissal. Any student recommended for dismissal will be given the opportunity to appeal to the CAPPS.
  • Students must be making progress toward completing the MD Program within the 6-year maximum allowable timeline. Students not likely to complete requirements within the maximum allowable timeline will be recommended for dismissal.


A formal mechanism exists for identifying and helping a student whose achievement is not up to  standard.  If preceptors or attending physicians judge a student to be marginal, the clerkship director is notified. The student shall be informed as early as possible during the core clerkship and given assistance and counseling. Depending upon the seriousness of the problem, the department chair, the DME, and a Dean may be involved. 

Thus, a three-tiered system for dealing with student problems exists at all clinical sites. Initially a student’s preceptor and/or clerkship director discusses a student’s behavior or attitude with the student. This is done at the time of the mid-core assessment or at any other time that is appropriate. Many times counseling the student is sufficient.  If the problem recurs, a pattern develops or a single problem appears serious, the clerkship director notifies the DME. In addition, the University has appointed Onsite Advisors at many hospitals that can deal with students’ problems.  The DME and/or Onsite Advisor might meet with and counsel the student. If the problem is serious enough, the DME  notifies the Deans’ offices. The Dean of Students and the Dean of the School of Medicine have the ultimate responsibility for dealing with students’ problems.