Course Unit Remediation Rules

  1. Students who receive an unsatisfactory "U" grade in one (1) course unit without a previous course unit resit must take the resit examination for the course unit and are placed on MAS.
    1. If students obtain a satisfactory S” grade, they advance to the following term and this counts as one (1) resit examination option.
    2. If the student obtains an unsatisfactory “U” grade, they repeat the term, and this counts as one (1) repeat option.
  2. Students who receive an unsatisfactory "U" grade in two (2) of the course units in the same term, without a previous course unit resit have two options:
    1. Repeat the course without taking resit examinations and placed on MAS. This counts as one (1) repeat option.
    2. Resit both course units and placed on MAS.
      1. If students get satisfactory grades in both course units, they will advance to the following term and are placed on MAS, and this counts as two (2) resit options.
      2. If the students get an unsatisfactory grade on one or both course unit resit examinations, they must repeat the course. This counts as two (2) resits and one (1) repeat.
  3. Students who receive unsatisfactory U” grades in three (3) of the course units in the same term, are considered to have an unsatisfactory grade U” for the course, must repeat that course and are placed on MAS. This counts as one (1) repeat.
  4. Students who receive an unsatisfactory U” grade in one (1) of the course units with a previous resit (prior term) must take the resit examination for the course unit and are placed on MAS.
    1. If students get a satisfactory S” grade, they will advance to the following term and be placed on MAS. This counts as one (1) resit in addition to prior resits.
    2. If students get an unsatisfactory U” grade, they must repeat the course and are placed on MAS. This counts as one (1) resit plus one (1) repeat in addition to prior repeat/resits.
  5. Students who receive a unsatisfactory U” grade in a course unit with two (2) previous resists (prior terms) must take the resit examination for the course unit and will be placed on MAS.
    1. If students get a satisfactory ”S” grade, they will advance to the following term and are placed on MAS. This will count as one (1) resit in addition to prior resits.
    2. If students get an unsatisfactory U” grade, they will repeat the course and are placed on MAS. This counts as one (1) resit plus one (1) repeat in addition to prior repeat/resits.
  6. Students who receive one (1) unsatisfactory “U” grade in course units with three (3) previous course unit resits are recommended for dismissal.
  7. Students who receive two (2) unsatisfactory U” grades in course units with two (2) or three (3) previous course unit resits are recommended for dismissal.

Resit examinations are scheduled in the week following the official end of term


Table 1: Course Unit Remediations

Rule Number 

Qualitative Deficiency 

APRC Recommendation 



Remediation Attempts 

One (1) “U” grade in one (1) course unit without a previous course unit resit

Resit examination and put on MAS 

Satisfactory grade

Advance to next term. MAS

1 resit 

Unsatisfactory grade. 

Repeat the course (term). MAS 

1 resit and 1 repeat


Two (2) “U” grades in two (2) course units in the same term without a previous course unit resit

Resit both course units and put on MAS  

Satisfactory grade in both course units

Advance to next term. MAS

2 resits 

Satisfactory grade in one and Unsatisfactory in the other or Unsatisfactory grades in both units

Repeat the course. MAS 

2 resits plus 1 repeat 

Repeat the course without taking resits and put on MAS 


Repeat the course. MAS 

1 repeat


Three (3) “U” grades in three (3) course units in one (1) term without a previous course unit resit

Repeat the course and put on MAS 




1 repeat

“U” grade in a course unit with a previous course unit resit

Resit examination and put on MAS 

Satisfactory grade

Advance to next term. MAS

1 resit in addition to prior repeats/resits   

Unsatisfactory grade. 

Repeat the course. MAS 

1 resit plus 1 repeat in addition to prior repeats/resits 

“U” grade in a course unit with 2 previous course unit resits

Resit examination and put on MAS 

Satisfactory grade

Advance to next term. MAS

1 resit in addition to the 2 prior resits   and the prior repeat

Unsatisfactory grade. 

Repeat the course. MAS 

1 resit plus 1 repeat in addition to the 2 prior resits and the prior repeat

“U” grade in a course unit with 3 previous course unit resits

Recommended for dismissal 





Two (2) or three (3) “U” grades in course units with two (2) or three (3) previous resits

Recommended for dismissal