Qualitative Deficiency

The APRC reviews all deficient grades, and appropriate avenues for remediation are determined for each student based on the guidelines provided herein.

  • Students who receive a Satisfactory “S" grade in all course units will be in good academic standing.
  • Academic advancement will be based on satisfactory grades ("S") in all courses in the SGU SVM curriculum.
  • Students who receive an unsatisfactory "U" grade in either a course unit or a course will be placed on MAS.
  • MAS will continue for a minimum of one term. APRC can extend the duration of MAS based on individual student performance.
  • Students who receive an unsatisfactory "U" grade in either a course unit(s) or in a course require remediation.
  • The remediations for the unsatisfactory grades are:
    • Resit examination for an unsatisfactory grade in a course unit. Students have a maximum of three (3) resit examinations during terms 1-6. Exceeding this will lead to a recommendation for dismissal.
    • Repeat the course for a course unsatisfactory grade. Students have a maximum of two (2) repeats during terms 1-6. Exceeding this will lead to a recommendation for dismissal.