Graduation Eligibility/Graduation Ceremony

Students are eligible to receive their diploma in:

  • December, if they complete the program by the end of the Fall term
  • May, if they complete the program by the end of the Spring term
  • August, if they complete the program by the end of the Summer term

Participation in the commencement ceremony is restricted to those students who have completed all course and departmental requirements and are deemed eligible by the Office of the University Registrar after being verified by the APRC.  Students will not be permitted to partake in the ceremony if all requirements have not been fulfilled.

There is only one commencement ceremony for the School of Graduate Studies, which is held in May of each year.  Eligible students are those who are expected to complete degree requirements by May. Students who are anticipated to complete all the requirements for the MPH degree by May of any year, will be expected to have all requirements completed by March 15th, in order to be permitted to participate in that year’s commencement.