Policy for Auditing of Courses

Auditing courses means taking a course for the purpose of acquiring knowledge.  As such, students do not receive credits for the audited course(s) and these courses do not affect students’ current GPA. However, Students who are auditing courses must attend classes regularly, and complete all class assignments except examinations.

General Guidelines

  1. Only degree seeking students who are officially registered may audit a course.
  2. Requests to audit a course must be submitted during the official registration period.
  3. Permission from the course instructor is required and should be designated on the form with written signatures.
  4. Auditing of courses is only permitted in lecture-based courses.
  5. Registered students must complete an Add/Drop registration form and AU should be indicated on the form.
  6. Auditors will appear on the instructor’s class list but may not request grades.
  7. In order for an Audit (AU) status to be recorded on a student’s transcript:
    1. for live (synchronous) in-person or web-based courses, the student must attend 80% of the course lectures.
    2. for asynchronous online classes, students must actively participate in 80% of the course material.
  8. Audits will be disallowed in the following :
    1. Courses that are required to fulfill the students degree plan.
    2. Courses the student will take later for credit.
  9. An audit course cannot be changed to a credit course retroactively.
  10. A credit course cannot be changed from credit to audit after  the stated add/drop period.