Arrival to Grenada (Only applicable to students who choose the on-campus experience)

New students who wish to take their courses on-site are expected to arrive in Grenada at least one week prior to the start of classes to ensure that they are registered for their classes, and to give themselves some time to become acclimated with life on a tropical island.  Students should give themselves time to settle into their accommodations, acquaint themselves with the campus and arrange desired facilities. Please note that the MPH program is conducted at an accelerated pace, requiring the same amount of work as would be normal in a typical 16-week term in a US university, but in 10-weeks.

All students must clear all holds on their accounts (See Student Self Service) before the first day of classes in order to complete their check-in. Students who do not clear holds one week after classes begin will be administratively withdrawn. Students should consult the Office of the Dean of Students if they would like to take a leave of absence for a term.