- Students with a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of less than 2.00 at the end of a given semester will be placed on academic probation.
- Students may be dismissed if their Cumulative GPA:
- falls below 1.00 after their second semester in the School of Arts and Sciences
- falls below 2.00 for three subsequent semesters (not including their first semester in the School of Arts and Sciences).
- Students must remedy all “F” and “D” grades earned. The CAPPS will mandate students to repeat the course when it is next offered. Students failing to remedy deficient grades may be dismissed.
- Students must repeat or replace all “D” and “F” grades in core courses, required General Education and elective coursework. Should the option be to replace a course, the failing grade earned in the first course remains on the transcript but is not incorporated into the overall GPA. No credit from “D” or “F” grades can be considered to meet graduation requirements.
In making their decision regarding how to remedy deficient grades, students should be aware that should they repeat a course, they will receive whatever grade is earned, and only the higher grade will be used to compute the cumulative GPA; however, all grades for a course will appear on the transcript. - Students who have been on academic probation for two consecutive semesters, or on academic probation for four non- consecutive semesters, are at risk of being recommended for dismissal.