What To Expect From E-Instructors

Course Syllabus

Each instructor will provide a course syllabus that will detail:

  • Contact information for the instructor
  • A description of the course and its content
  • Any prerequisites for the course
  • A description of the course competencies and learning objectives
  • The required textbook and/or readings (and other required/optional books and/or materials)
  • The course deliverables (for example: tests, papers, oral     presentation, group projects, etc.)
  • The value (percent) of each graded assignment
  • The due dates for course assignments and/or scheduled tests/examinations
  • Instructor feedback schedule
  • Course procedures
  • A weekly course schedule

Note: The course syllabus is a “road map” for each course. Students are advised to pay careful attention to the course syllabus provided by the instructor.