Plagiarism Policy

Students shall not submit or claim the work of others as their own or engage in any academic activity which provides an academic advantage over one’s peers, by cheating. Plagiarism is regarded as a dishonest and cardinal offense in academia. As a form of academic misconduct, plagiarism is considered a breach of the student honour code; therefore, it is not tolerated. Plagiarism brings into disrepute the credibility of the University, its faculty, and students. See plagiarism policy in the SGU Student Manual:

Plagiarism will be assessed by considering the value produced by Turnitin, with a value over 20% being considered potential plagiarism. In calculating the value, your reference section will not be considered. Turnitin also checks the references and adds value to the reporting score since these references will most likely be cited in other papers. For more information on plagiarism, please complete the MPH Tools course accessible at