Communication with Course Instructors

Please keep in mind you must use your official SGU email account for ALL email communications with the university. Failure to communicate or answer email correspondence may result in administrative withdrawal.

Note: Your instructor’s SGU email address can be found on the “Home” page in your course site.  Communication with faculty for online students is performed mainly by e-mail and web conferencing (ZOOM). To arrange a meeting with your faculty you may:

  1. E-mail the faculty and ask to arrange a meeting. Your faculty will send you a time and web conference (ZOOM) link.
  2. Join the faculty’s office hours via ZOOM. You must e-mail the faculty to alert them that you will be joining via ZOOM.

Please see your courses’ syllabi for any course-specific instructions. 

Additionally, depending on the preferences of individual instructors, you are likely to be provided with additional means for communicating with your instructor.

Note: Please be sure to identify yourself and the course you are referencing when you write to your instructor. Also, please allow up to 24 hours for your instructor to reply to your email. That is, while most online instructors will likely answer your email question(s) promptly, every now and then, it may take as long as 48 hours for you to receive a reply.