Capstone Integrative Learning Experience (CILE) (PUBH 893)

CILE is an integrated experience that allows students to apply and synthesize the concepts, knowledge and skills acquired throughout their course of study to successfully demonstrate public health competency.

CILE is an integrated course/process.  Students are enrolled in PUBH 893 as a continuing course in their first term. During the first term, the course requirements are limited to the completion of 10 brief modules aimed at enhancing the students’ writing skills. Also, during the first term, all students are enrolled in PUBH831: Concepts, Practice and Leadership in Public Health whereby the end of the course they are required to identify a public health issue they wish to explore in depth and make the focus of their final CILE product and oral presentation. At this point, students also liaise with their Faculty Advisor who also serves as their CILE Advisor and provides support and guidance throughout the students’ CILE process until they submit their final CILE product and presentation in their final term.

The CILE experience continues in PUBH 832: Public Health Research Methods and Ethics, where students are required to develop a proposal on how they are going to explore the topic they previously identified. This proposal provides students with a solid foundation upon which they can complete their CILE final paper and oral presentation.

The CILE experience culminates when the students submit their written paper and oral presentation in PUBH 893 Capstone Integrative Learning Experience. Students should be registered for PUBH893 when they register for PUBH831: Concepts, Practice and Leadership in Public Health and PUBH 832: Public Health Research Methods and Ethics.

After completing PUBH831: Concepts, Practice and Leadership in Public Health and PUBH 832: Public Health Research Methods and Ethics, students should only register for PUBH893 Capstone Integrative Learning Experience  if they are ready to complete and submit the final paper along with an oral presentation. It is mandatory to submit a draft of the final paper before 50% of the term has elapsed, signaling preparedness for the submission of the final paper and oral presentation. If a student does not submit a draft, they are no longer eligible to complete the course and must utilize one of the following options as relevant:

  • Apply for a Leave of Absence
  • Withdraw from the Program

The CILE final product and presentation must meet the scholarly requirements of the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (DPHPM), which include addressing the program’s foundational and track specific competencies.