Acquiring Textbooks

Generally, students will have a variety of choices about where to order books. They can try online bookshops, local bookshops or the publisher. They can also try SGU’s Online Book Store available here. Students can also always use local libraries (public, academic, or corporate), but should confirm that they have the correct edition, and that the library will allow books to be borrowed for the full length of the course.

When the book details are provided, it will include the book title, author, edition, publisher, date of publication (where possible), and the ISBN. The ISBN is the most crucial piece of information; it is the best way to search for the book. Student are advised not to order a book with a different ISBN even if it has the same author or title, as it is likely to be the wrong book.

If all the possible ways to order the book have been exhausted and a copy is still not found, students are advised to contact your Course Director as soon as possible. He/she will try to give you guidance on to how to proceed.