Academic Program Calendar & Courses

Typically, a freestanding MPH student can complete the program in slightly less than one calendar year; for dual MD/MPH and DVM/MPH students, the time is longer as these students have required coursework spread out over both degree programs.

It should be noted that all MPH courses are standardized as 3-credit experiences; each requires 4 person/hours of classroom contact for 12 weeks.  This is based on the rule that 1 credit is equivalent to 16 hours of classroom contact.  In each 10-week course, therefore, 3 credits are earned in two 2-hour sessions per week.  However, in the Spring term, which is 8 weeks, for each course, the 3 credits are earned in two 3-hour sessions per week. 

Because of the accelerated nature of these courses within a compressed timeline, students are only permitted to add or drop courses during the first week of classes.

Courses in the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine are offered according to a trimester system. Two 12-week terms and one 8-week term cycles annually according to the following proximal dates, with each term providing the opportunity for students to take their regularly offered courses.