Process for Resolution of Missed Examinations

Any student with an approved absence who misses an examination will temporarily receive a zero score for the missed examination and an Incomplete grade for the course.

Any student who is not approved to miss any examination must contact the Dean of Students Office and provide an explanation, which will be evaluated by the Faculty Panel on Academic Professionalism (FPAP). FPAP will then determine whether a panel hearing is required and the academic penalty to the students’ course grade for the absence. The student will then receive a zero score for the missed examination and an Incomplete (I) grade for the course.

To rectify the zero score, the student must sit the scheduled completion exam.

Students must take a Completion Examination as per the master School of Medicine schedule posted by the Office of the University Registrar on the SGU portal. Regardless of which examination is missed, all Completion Examinations are held approximately one week after the end of the semester. No additional Completion examinations will be offered.

Students who do not take the scheduled Completion Examination to rectify their zero score and their Incomplete grade will receive a failing grade for the course.