Prior to Examination Day

For all internal (ExamSoft) written course examinations, students are required to download the examination file(s) during the 24-hour download window indicated by the Couse Director in the examination announcement.

We strongly advise to start the download procedure early, to be able to get the necessary help in time, and to avoid unnecessary stress.

External, web-based examinations offered by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) do not require an examination download prior to the examination day.

Students who are unable to download the examination must contact Examination Services immediately, but no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of CHECK IN.

Students are assigned their individual examination venue, which is indicated in their specific examination announcement, and they have to take the examination in the assigned venue without exceptions.

Within each venue, each student is assigned a specific carrel (cubicle); they have to be seated in the assigned spot to take the examination.

Individual seating assignments are published prior to the examination day through the course site.

Students noticing adverse conditions in designated examination venues after the examination announcement has been made, are advised to immediately contact Examination Services (Tell ExaminationServices to address the issue.