Students are expected to complete Basic Sciences within five consecutive terms in order to complete this portion of their MD program in two years (as described above). Nonetheless, students who encounter unanticipated personal setbacks or academic difficulties can request an extension of the timeline.

Students may be granted a timeline extension for one of the following reasons:

  • Leave of Absence (LOA) to address personal setbacks (example, medical conditions) that prevent the student from successfully completing the academic term
  • Credit Remediation (CR) when academic performance is at risk of not meeting academic performance standards
  • A recommendation by the Academic Progress Review Committee (APRC) or by the Committee on Academic Progress and Professional Standards (CAPPS) for a student to repeat failed coursework.

Students should note, however, that timeline extensions will be factored into the decision-making and recommendation process of the APRC and the CAPPS should students subsequently fail to meet performance standards.

Additional LOAs between Terms 5 and 6 may be granted.