Required for Graduation with BSC

The Graduation Assessment Board (GAB), reviews the entire academic record of all students before graduation.

Student will not graduate without meeting all degree requirements. In reviewing academic records, the following requirements are carefully checked to ensure that all candidates for the BSc in Medical Science Degree meet the standards of the University.

All candidates must:

  1. Meet the requirements of all the departments and have satisfactorily completed all coursework in the Pre-Clinical Program of the MD program and the Year 1 of Basic Sciences.
  2. Maintain acceptable professional behavior and standards.
  3. Be discharged of all indebtedness to the University.
  4. Be approved for graduation by the Graduate Assessment Board (GAB).
  5. Students must achieve a ‘PASS’ grade at the end of Term 1.
  6. Students must achieve a ‘PASS’ grade at the end of Term 2.