Communication for the Health Professions I

General Course Information

*Note that the course syllabus is subject to change throughout the term, but students will be notified of any significant changes.

Teaching Team and Contact Information

Marie Benjamin 

(Course Director) 444-4175, ext. 3892


Deborah Weinheimer  444-4175, ext. 3161

Zoë Hagley  444-4175, ext. 3307


Dorcina Noel  444-4175, ext. 3278   

Office Location: 

Department of Educational Services (DES), Top floor 

Office Hours:  

By appointment via (instructions on pg. 3)

Class Location:  

Dual delivery on Zoom (online) and Science Hall (on-campus). *Classes will

be held on Zoom for the first couple of weeks, for both online and in-person students, until Science Hall becomes available for in-person sessions.


Class Schedule 

Synchronous Lessons: Mondays, 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM AST & Fridays, 10 AM- 11:15 AM AST Asynchronous Lessons: Posted weekly after synchronous lessons

Course Description 


This course is designed to help students develop skills in critical thinking, problem solving, argumentative writing, and professional communication. It builds on the principles acquired in CHP 1 by requiring students to apply evaluative research skills to analyze and formulate strong, original arguments. Through a variety of learning activities, students will sharpen their analytical skills and hone their ideas to present informed, reasoned opinions in verbal and written forms. This course will not only prepare students for communication in their university coursework, but also in their professional careers and the English component (20%) of the PM/VSCE; students must attain a passing grade in the written portion of the PM/VSCE to enter med/vet school. 


The One Health One Medicine framework, which is an integration of multiple disciplines under health, is a central part of this course. As a result, assignments and in-class activities will make practical applications to human, animal, and environmental health. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will

  • Develop strategies for critical thinking, reading, and writing
  • Analyze empirical One Health arguments
  • Formulate sound empirical arguments to support a position
  • Develop professional communication skills 
  • Produce clear, concise academic writing 
  • Utilize feedback from instructors and peers 
  • Provide constructive feedback on colleagues’ work

Prerequisite Skills

Students should be familiar with the following aims of CHP 1

  • demonstrate professionalism in written, oral, listening and non-verbal communication 
  • use correct punctuation to produce clear, concise writing 
  • summarize and paraphrase content 
  • locate appropriate research articles using library databases and the Internet 
  • evaluate evidence used to support arguments or positions 
  • integrate and synthesize information from different sources 
  • make and support an argument 
  • utilize and give feedback 
  • document sources appropriately in the APA 7th Edition style

Required Texts and Materials  

All necessary materials will be available on Sakai. Since the entire course will be accessed virtually, it is important that you have a working computer and internet access. Please note that CHP 2 will be building on skills from CHP 1; therefore, content and skills learned in CHP 1 will not be reviewed in depth. Instead, students are expected to review foundational materials they deem necessary to support their learning in CHP 2.

Methods of Instruction

CHP 2 is a student-centered course. Though some lecturing is included, the main methods of instruction are self-directed learning activities, classroom discussions, reading and writing exercises, collaborative learning, videos, and research. Your instructors are dedicated to your success and will provide you with all the support needed to finish strong. However, the course aims to prepare you for critical thinking and communication beyond the classroom; therefore, you are expected to take ownership and practice ongoing independent learning. As a result, to succeed in this course, students must complete work outside of class

The course follows a hybrid, dual-delivery format in which classes are directed online and in-person, simultaneously. Each week will consist of 3 main components:  

  1. Synchronous Session: These are the main sessions each week. Students will meet with the course instructors on Zoom and at the physical SGU location to engage in the learning activities for that week. 
  2. Asynchronous Lessons: The asynchronous lessons will supplement the content from the main sessions each week. These lessons are typically released after class on Sakai > Lessons tab and completed independently. The lessons often consist of PowerPoints, videos, and other resources that must be reviewed to complete the associated weekly assignments (WAs)

o A note on Panopto: Some asynchronous lessons include Panopto videos that students must watch entirely to receive the associated points. Note that Panopto records student viewership accurately and actions like skipping parts or listening on higher speeds will affect those records and ultimately reduce scores. Therefore, we suggest that students carefully devote time to watching videos in their entirety.

Grade Breakdown

% Grade



Attendance & Professionalism


Asynchronous Lessons and Weekly Assignments (WAs)


Analysis Paper (AP)

  • AP Outline (10%)
  • AP Conference (15%)
  • AP Draft 1 (25%)
  • AP Final (50%)


Proposal Paper (PP)

  • PP Outline (10%)
  • PP Conference (15%)
  • PP Draft 1 (25%)
  • PP Final (50%)

For more information on the major assignments, see “Assignment Guidelines” in “Resources” on Sakai. Materials for each assignment will be posted throughout the term, as they become necessary for you to review.

Course Schedule 

See the Course Schedule in Sakai Resources for assignment due dates. We have provided an electronic copy that is subject to change throughout the term, but we will inform you if there are any critical changes. It is your responsibility to be aware of the weekly assignments and due dates.

Course Guidelines and Accountability


  • Office hours: The teaching team is here to help you. All appointments will be conducted via Zoom during the work week. Appointments can be made by checking the availability of the cohort leader you’d like to see on (see contact information on page 1). We strongly encourage you to make use of office hours for individual assistance. If there is no suitable time available online, email your cohort leader for other arrangements. Students who prefer to meet with a cohort leader in-person should inform us ahead of time so that the necessary safety protocols can be arranged. This can be indicated in the notes section.
  • Email: Emails must be professionally formatted, include professional language, and an informative subject line. You are not guaranteed a response to emails sent over the weekend or outside of working hours until the next business day; therefore, we encourage you to send emails when the instructors are most available (during the work week). Emails without an informative subject line will be regarded as spam and will not be opened for security reasons. SGU email is the official email communication tool for this course and the university. Please send all correspondence through your SGU email. 


  • Assignment Guidelines: Please read all assignment guidelines carefully before submitting. A specific set of guidelines are provided for each major assignment and weekly assignment. Failure to follow instructions in this course will seriously affect your grade. Note that there are two major writing assignments (the Analysis Paper and the Proposal Paper). Because writing is a process, these assignments are designed so that students submit smaller pieces of each assignment, receive feedback, then revise and submit again.
  • Submitting Assignments: Because this course focuses on more advanced thinking and writing ideas, you will be responsible for ensuring your document is edited for grammatical errors. Therefore, your drafts for major assignments must first be submitted to Grammarly, an online editing tool which will suggest grammatical edits to your document. Ensure you submit your document to Grammarly way before the deadline to allow ample time for making necessary edits to your work. You will submit your edited version and a copy of the suggested edits from Grammarly (you can download that document from the site). It is also your responsibility to account for slow upload times (give yourself at least 10 minutes before the deadline to upload) and to ensure that your assignments have correctly uploaded (confirmation email).
  • File naming conventions: All electronic versions of work submitted for grading must have informative names. Every file name should have the following components: Sakai Username of full name, assignment name (may be abbreviated), and if applicable, a draft number. For example, if Jill were a student submitting the first draft of the Proposal Paper, she could name it Jill Paterson_PP_D1 or jpaterso_PP_D2
  • Assignment feedback: Your cohort leader will provide feedback on the electronic version of your work and an electronic version of the rubric. These will be returned via Sakai. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the proper technology to view feedback.
  • Deadlines and Late Submissions: All tasks and assignments to be submitted for grading will have specific deadlines. Check the assignment guidelines for details. All work must be submitted on or before the stated deadline. Late submissions will be penalized 10% per day up to 5 days, after which a zero will be given. In extenuating circumstances, it may be possible to arrange an extension on a deadline, so email your cohort leader to arrange this before the deadline.
  • PM/VSCE Essay Practices: Throughout the term, students will get the opportunity to complete practice exams resembling the written portion of the PM/VSCE. The exam comprises 2 essays, an analysis question and a proposal question, so you will be required to complete 2 practices for each question. These practices are graded on effort, but we encourage you to devote quality time when completing these essays. Your instructors will be available to meet with you about your submissions to discuss your performance, progress, and concerns.

Attendance and Professionalism

  • Attendance and Tardiness: Attendance is mandatory and will be recorded. Students are considered late if they arrive after the start time, whether online or in person, and absent if they arrive 10 mins late. We understand, however, that many factors could affect your attendance and/ or ability to arrive on time to class, so you may miss or arrive late for up to 2 classes over the term without being penalized.
  • Missing Class: If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed from peers and review the materials from Sakai to practice the in-class tasks independently. Should you have questions about the class after reviewing the materials, please contact your cohort leader. 
  • Classroom Etiquette: Both virtual and in-person students will be expected to maintain appropriate classroom etiquette, such as active engagement, politeness, and participation. For students joining on Zoom, you must turn on your video cameras on during class and assume an upright frame in the camera—the same way we would see your faces if this were an on-campus classroom. Feel free to use one of the Zoom backgrounds if you’d prefer to keep your actual background private, and if you are unable to turn on your camera due to extenuating circumstances, please email one of the course instructors to let us know. Being able to see classmates makes it easier to engage with one another and build a sense of community. Students in person are also required to maintain a professional demeanour during class sessions by directing their attention to the presenter and avoiding unproductive classroom chatter. All these practices are considered professional behavior, so failure adhere to them will affect your overall attendance and professionalism grade in the course.
  • Professionalism and Participation: In addition to the practices outlined above, students are expected to engage in professional communication during class and maintain focus on assigned activities. Each live session will comprise a short lecture and in-class tasks. This is where you get a chance to apply the concepts you’ve learned and practice your communication skills. Students start the term with full points for professionalism and participation; however, if there is evidence of unprofessional behavior and lack of engagement in classroom activities, points will be deducted from the attendance and professionalism component of your course grade. Please note that in-class group activities require teamwork. Each activity requires you to not only sharpen your collaborative skills, but also share tasks with team members to ensure they are completed on time. It is unlikely that one person can complete the in-class tasks in the allotted time. Therefore, is it crucial for students to split tasks accordingly for timely completion (divide and conquer!). 
  • Electronic devices: It is unprofessional to use technology inappropriately during class. This means that during class, students should avoid sending messages or personal emails, using social media sites, shopping online, etc. If it is apparent that you are distracted from class activities, points will be deducted from your participation grade.
  • Queries regarding grades: If you have questions regarding a grade, you must contact your cohort leader or the course director within seven calendar days of the grade being posted on Sakai. This is true not only for your overall course grade but also for grades in individual categories like quizzes and assignments. Once final grades are released, they will not be adjusted. We carefully grade each student submission, and your final grade reflects your performance in the course.
  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. SGU takes a firm stance against plagiarism. Excerpted from the Student Manual, pg. 23 states: 

The Oxford Concise Dictionary, 9 ed., (1995: 1043) defines plagiarism as ‘the act or instance of plagiarizing, something plagiarized.’ The dictionary then defines plagiarize as ‘take and use (the thoughts, writings, inventions, and so forth) of another person as one’s own; pass off the thoughts, and so forth of (another person) as one’s own.’ Plagiarism is regarded as a cardinal offense in academia because it constitutes theft of the work of someone else, which is then purported as the original work of the plagiarist. Plagiarism draws into disrepute the credibility of the Institution, its faculty, and students; therefore, it is not tolerated. 

The decision as to whether any or all of a student’s work has been plagiarized will be made by the student’s cohort leader. If plagiarized work is submitted in a draft, points will be deducted, and your cohort leader will talk to you about plagiarism. If the final draft is plagiarized, more severe penalties will be imposed, and a report may be made to the PCLN or DOS office. In the case of assignments with multiple drafts, each draft will be treated as a separate entity. Thus, the student who plagiarizes draft 1 may receive a zero on that assignment but will have an opportunity to receive full credit on draft 2, assuming that the plagiarism issue has been addressed. If the final draft is plagiarized, the assignment will receive a zero as a final grade. 

This course does not differentiate between plagiarizing a student’s/classmate’s work and plagiarizing scholarly work. This includes plagiarism from sample provided in class. If plagiarism is found between two students, both students will receive a zero unless one student takes responsibility for plagiarizing a classmate without the other student’s knowledge. All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, an anti-plagiarism software that checks student assignments against published articles and other student work. Turnitin also monitors within this course, so papers submitted to different cohort leaders are also compared.

*Please review the Spring 2022 Course Schedule here.

School of Arts and Sciences Master Syllabi — Info for All Sections

Plagiarism Policy

Academic Integrity

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

Plagiarism is regarded as a cardinal offense in academia because it constitutes theft of the work of someone else, which is then purported as the original work of the plagiarist. Plagiarism draws into disrepute the credibility of the Institution, its faculty, and students; therefore, it is not tolerated” (p. 48).

Plagiarism also includes the unintentional copying or false accreditation of work, so double check your assignments BEFORE you hand them in.

Be sure to do good, honest work, credit your sources and reference accordingly and adhere to the University’s Honor Code. Plagiarism and cheating will be dealt with very seriously following the university’s policies on Plagiarism as outlined in the Student Manual.

Your work may be subject to submission to plagiarism detection software, submission to this system means that your work automatically becomes part of that database and can be compared with the work of your classmates.

Attendance Requirement

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

Students are expected to attend all classes and or clinical rotations for which they have registered. Although attendance may not be recorded at every academic activity, attendance may be taken randomly. Students’ absence may adversely affect their academic status as specified in the grading policy. If absence from individual classes, examinations, and activities, or from the University itself is anticipated, or occurs spontaneously due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, proper notification procedures must be followed. A particular course may define additional policies regarding specific attendance or participation” (p. 9).

Examination Attendance

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

All matriculated students are expected to attend all assigned academic activities for each course currently registered. Medical excuses will be based on self-reporting by students. Students who feel they are too sick to take an examination or other required activity on a specific day must submit the online SAS medical excuse, which is available on Carenage. Students are only allowed two such excuses a year. Upon consultation with the Director of University Health Service, the third excuse will result in a mandatory medical leave of absence. The policies regarding make-up examinations are at the option of the Course Director” (p.46).

For additional specific examination policies and procedures, refer to the St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020), pages 31 through 37.

Student Accessibility and Accommodation Services Policy

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

A student with a disability or disabling condition that affects one or more major life activities, who would like to request an accommodation, must submit a completed application form and supporting documentation to the Student Accessibility and Accommodation Services (SAAS) located in the Dean of Students Office. It is highly recommended that students applying for accommodations do so at least one month before classes begin to allow for a more efficient and timely consideration of the request. If a fully completed application is not submitted in a timely fashion, an eligibility determination may not be made, and accommodations, where applicable, may not be granted prior to the commencement of classes and/or examinations” (p. 8).


It is the responsibility of the student to read and understand the policies, laws, rules and procedures that while they could affect your grade for a course, have not been specifically outlined in the course syllabus. These are contained in the St. George’s University Student Manual.