Before arrival on campus and before check-in, Term 1 DVM students are required to be vaccinated against Rabies. The Pre-Exposure protocol for Rabies vaccination consists of two vaccinations at the recommended intervals, to be completed within a two (2)-week period.

Recommendations: 2 doses, at days zero (0) and seven (7), plus:

  1. EITHER a one-time titer check after one (1) year and up to three (3) years following the first 2-dose vaccination.
  2. OR 1-dose booster between three (3) weeks and three (3) years following the first vaccine in the 2-dose vaccination.

Students who arrive on campus without prior vaccination to Rabies will be required to complete the series within the first three (3) weeks of the term. Students can get vaccinated at the UHS. The OUR will send a form to Term 1 students to schedule the vaccine in the UHS; the first dose will be administered during the orientation week and the second dose seven (7) days afterwards (in week two (2) of the term). Term 1 students must send proof of vaccination to the OUR by week four (4) of the term. Failure to meet this requirement will be cause for dismissal or a mandatory LOA. Any students that remain out of compliance will be administratively withdrawn from the University and will not be allowed to attend classes until the requirements have been fulfilled. This vaccination protocol is also required of students entering the Foundation to Veterinary Medicine (FTV) and Pre-Veterinary Medical (PreVet) programs.

Students will be required to check serological titers every two (2) years and titers before progression into year four clinical training. Term 4 students must present their Rabies titers or proof of booster vaccination before starting Term 5.

There will be a possibility for all T4 students to have their Rabies titer checked on campus in the first half of the term. A rabies antibody titer below the acceptable threshold necessitates a booster vaccination prior to the start of term 5. The students must upload to the Office of Student Health Records a copy of the serological titers or proof of a one-dose booster within 3 years after the first 2 doses and before the beginning of Term 5. 

Term 6 students are strongly encouraged to check serological titers before progressing to their year four clinical training. The student must adhere to the requirements of their clinical year affiliated school which may include additional serologic titers or booster vaccination.