Professional Standards

The SGU SVM has established professional standards and requires all veterinary medical students to meet these standards to progress and complete the Four-Year DVM Program. The SVM FPP reserves the right to issue a warning, recommend non-academic probation, or refer a student whose behavior renders the student unable to meet the required standards to the appropriate entities. All SVM courses must adhere to the University Code of Conduct and any syllabus stipulations. Failure to meet professional standards will result in reporting to the FPP.

Students must abide by the University Code of Conduct and consistently demonstrate professional behavior. The SVM Dean can suspend students at any time for serious breaches of the Code of Conduct.

All students are expected to read the entirety of the Student Manual prior to starting Term 1 of the pre-clinical sciences; a course attestation statement will occur at the beginning of each term confirming agreement of the terms of the course and the student manual.