Other Transcript Notations

Withdrawal (W). Students granted an approved Leave of Absence (LOA) will receive a "W" grade for the course.  More information on LOAs can be found in the Leave of Absence section of the General Policies for All Students.

Incomplete (I) is given when course requirements are not completed due to severe mitigating circumstances such as illness or family emergencies. The SVM Associate/Assistant Dean of Students must approve the reason for receiving "I" grades. "I" grades remain on the transcript until another grade is given upon completion. If students have an "I" grade on their transcript, the required coursework must be completed within seven (7) days of the original date of the assessment. If the work is not completed and the grade is not received from the course director within thirty (30) days of the term finishing, the Incomplete ("I") will be automatically changed to an Unsatisfactory ("U") by the OUR.

Credit Remediation (CR). If a student is having academic challenges, they can opt for a CR grade. The SVM Associate/Assistant Dean of Students must approve the reason supporting the receipt of CR. See Credit Remediation under the Academic Progress section for more information.

No Grade (NG). The course director submitted no grade for a registered course.

In Progress (IP). The course is still in progress.