The Four-Year DVM program is designed to be continuous without interruption. Any timeline extensions could impact students' ability to graduate on time. Nonetheless, some students encounter academic setbacks, which may be resolved with an opportunity to remediate a course. The APRC identifies students who are not likely to meet academic standards by the end of an academic term and recommends that they be granted a CR option, which is an extension of their timeline by one academic term. Students may also choose the CR option without a recommendation from the APRC. Students without a CR recommendation from the APRC considering a CR must meet with an academic advisor and the DOS to discuss how the CR option may impact their program timelines before choosing it.

The CR allows students to repeat the course once if they are not likely to meet academic standards for progress. The deadline for selecting the CR option is on or before 5:00 p.m. AST on the last working day of week 10 of the term.

Students who opt for the CR will not take any summative assessments after the CR option is registered (modular exam, summative final exam, OSCE, – any summative assessment detailed in the course syllabus); however, they must participate in a minimum of 70% of the remaining scheduled academic activities in the academic term as per course requirements described in the course syllabi. Students who fail to complete stipulated course requirements forfeit the CR and earn an unsatisfactory "U" grade for the course.

Students who comply with all CR requirements will receive a grade of CR on their transcript and repeat all term coursework.

Students should note that although no final numeric grade is issued for the credit remediation (CR) course, during an APRC (performance review) or Appeals Panel, a CR is viewed as an academic setback should the student subsequently fail to meet academic or timeline standards.

An additional CR is allowed if a CR has been taken previously in the DVM program and as long as this fits within the timeline requirements.