Progression into each succeeding term during the first year through the third year will be granted if students have fulfilled all the following requirements:

  • Students have received a Satisfactory “S” in each of the terms.
  • Students must have satisfied all outstanding grade requirements.

Progression into the final year will be granted if:

  • Students have no outstanding Unsatisfactory “U” grades.


The following cumulative WMPG standards are used for the evaluation of students by the APRC:

WMPG ≥ 95.00. Students will be placed on the Provost's List and promoted to the following term.

WMPG ≥ 90.00 - 94.99. Students will be placed on the Dean's List and promoted to the following term.

WMPG > 69.50. Students are making satisfactory progress and are promoted to the following term.


The Academic Progress Review Committee (APRC) will recommend or require students with unsatisfactory and marginal grades (69.50-72.49) to meet with the Academic Advising Team (AAT).