The course will focus on the biology, epidemiology, and control of clinically important nematode parasites of ruminants and horses. Emphasis is placed on clinical and diagnostic issues relating to host-parasite interactions and the development of evidence-based parasite control programs. Traditional programs for parasite control are no longer valid and often fail due to the high prevalence of anthelmintic resistant parasites. Consequently, new strategies and approaches arc required that consider broad issues relating to the biological factors associated with the development of drug resistance as well as modem principles of evidence-based veterinary medicine. This course will cover broad issues relating to host-parasite interactions, parasite epidemiology, parasite diagnosis, and the development of drug resistance. This information will then be used to explain how to control parasites in ruminant s and horses using evidence-based principles, and how drug resistance can be prevented and managed, while still achieving superior parasite control that is sustainable.