Public Speaking

General Course Information

Course Lecturer Name(s):  Ms. QueenAnnie Gill

Course Director Name: Ms. QueenAnnie Gill

Course Lecturer(s) Contact Information:

Course Director Contact Information: 

Course Lecturer(s) Office Hours:  By Appointment 

Course Director Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Lecturer(s) Office Location:  Ballsier Building Upper Floor

Course Director Office Location: Ballsier Building Upper Floor

Course Support: NA

Course Management tool: To learn to use Sakai, the Course management tool, access the link

Course Curriculum Information

Course Description: 

Public Speaking is  designed  to  help  you  develop  communication  skills  that  contribute  to academic, vocational, personal, and social success in a wide variety of contexts. Since students learn best by doing, you will be actively involved in class discussions, and group exercises throughout the course.

Course Objectives: 

Fundamental to the course is the idea that presentation skills are a means of empowerment.

To this end, on completion of the course students should be able to: 

  1. Develop and hone their communication skills, especially in the area of oral communication. their oral sDevelopment of communication skills
  2. Discuss and debate ideas in a logical and coherent way.
  3. Demonstrate effect use of  qualitative and quantitative evidence to buttress their arguments.
  4. Evluate the soundness of an argument based on evidence presented and the employment of persuasive strategies. 
  5. Expound on a topic using the extemporaneous style of delivery. 

Student Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Overcome the usual apprehension that comes with public speaking and learn to speak extemporaneously
  2. Establish credibility and develop his or her oratory skills to participate ethically, in an increasingly interactive and verbal society;
  3. Cite sources, use supporting materials and visual media.
  4. Demonstrate critical thinking skills required in a society that constantly demands that people make choices and defend them;
  5. Speak effectively in different settings.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the rules of engagement as described in the text book.

Program Outcomes Met By This Course:

PO.1- Utilize psychology knowledge in the understanding of self, and how one relates to others.

PO.2- Practice and analyze decision making and positions on ethical issues. PO.4- Effectively communicate information by extracting and constructing meanings through analysis and critical thinking.

SAS Grading Scale: Grades will be assigned as follows:

A  = 89.5% or better

B+ = 84.5 - 89.4%

B  = 79.5 - 84.4%

C+ = 74.5 - 79.4%

C = 69.5 - 74.4%

D = 64.5 - 69.4%

F = 64.4% or less 

Course Materials:

Text: • Kathleen M. German, Bruce E. Gronbeck, Douglas Ehninger, and Alan H. Monroe.

Principles of Public Speaking.  18th, 19th or 20th  editions. Addison Pearson Education, Inc.

Other readings may be assigned

Supplementary Readings/Resources: Student Manual Course Grading Requirement:

Introductory Speech                5%

Informative Speech                 15%

Persuasive Speech                   15%

3rd party speech written         10%

3rd party speech delivery         15%

Quizzes (4)                              20%

Participation                            10%

Debate                                     10%

Total                                        100%

Course Requirements:

I. Speeches: The focus of this course will be the development of extemporaneous speaking skills.

Introductory Speech – The first speech is a 2-3 minute brief self introduction that tells the audience what you want them to know about you.  It should tell the audience who you are and what you are about. The speech provides you with the opportunity to develop and support a clear thesis and to begin working on a conversational delivery style using a brief outline.

Informative Speech – In this speech, you develop a 3-5 minute presentation in which you share information about some phenomenon of personal interest.  This might include a skill you have  learned  through  a  hobby,  an  organization  you  are  affiliated with,  or  “consumer” information important to you and your audience.  Develop a central idea (thesis) with two different kinds of support material using an appropriate and discernible organizational structure. You are required to develop and use a visual aid for this assignment.

Persuasive Speech – This is a 3-5 minutes persuasive presentation.  The speech will focus on the development of logical proofs for clear thesis statements (central claims).  This is your attempt to change an audience’s attitudes, beliefs, or actions.  It’s about letting audiences know they have choices and presenting your offering in the best possible light. You are required to develop and use a visual aid to support your arguments.

Third Party Speech – Write a 5 minute speech and identify the General and Specific Purposes, Central Idea/Thesis Statement, Organizational Pattern, Concluding Remarks and Clinching Statement. This speech is then assigned to another member of your class for presentation.

Impromptu Speech – As time permits.

Debates – In-class (2 minutes), University Community (5, 3 and 2 minutes accordingly)

Note: Speeches and written work are graded in accordance with the non-negotiable criteria outlined in your course material.

Speech requirements

  1. Time Limits on Speeches:

Because of the nature of the course and the limited time available, prepare your presentations carefully to adhere to the time limits indicated on each assignment. Your grade will be penalized if your speech is too long or too short.

  1. Citing Sources in your speeches:

Because it is important to establish credibility, you must always cite sources.  The informative and persuasive speech assignments require that you do research (i.e. rely on sources outside yourself- books, internet, magazines, journals, interviews, etc.), you must cite at least two sources.  Cite all sources using the APA format (your own style will not suffice). Check the references librarian or the internet for help in finding these style manuals.  Failure to cite sources in a typed bibliography (outline) and verbally (during presentation) will result in a grade penalty.

  1. Deliver speeches extemporaneously.

Reading of any speech (focusing on paper…not establishing eye contact with your audience) reflects lack of preparation and will result in a significant grade penalty.

II. Outlines of Speeches:

A Speaking Outline uses key words or phrases to jog your memory while delivering your speech. This is a brief outline of ideas prepared in advance rather than from a fully written manuscript.  These notes (note cards) are to jog your memory, help you stay on track, and better develop ideas and delivery.

A Rough Outline is required (APA reference style is to be used) and must be submitted as you approach the podium prior to delivering your speech.  This material establishes the topic of your speech, clarifies your purpose, and identifies a reasonable number of ideas. It also helps you better organize your speech. Failure to submit typed content/sentence outlines on the due date of each speech assignment will result in a grade penalty.

In addition, you will be required to conduct research for required speech assignments.

  1. Quizzes:

Quizzes on reading material (assigned in the book but not necessarily discussed in class) will be given throughout the term.   A one week notice will be given for all quizzes, which will be given in class. There is no excuse for missing a quiz.  Quizzes cannot be made up unless you have a medical/acceptable excuse or had made arrangements with the instructor.

  1. Listening Exercises and Peer Feedback:

As a means to promote better listening and to provide feedback to improve your peers’ public speaking skills, you will provide brief responses each speech assignment.  This peer feedback will be done during class time.  These responses are not graded.

In addition, this portion of your grade will reflect the degree to which you meet three non- negotiable expectations of you.

  1. Come to class prepared to contribute to the class discussion in a positive manner.
  2. Listen attentively and do not engage in side conversation or other distractions.
  3. Provide sincere reactions to the comments of other people in the class, but do not engage in negative attacks or put-downs of any person in the class (verbally or nonverbally).
Course Schedule
Wk 1 18th  & 20th January 

Session One 

Course overview, Ch1 & 2

Session Two

Public speaking basics  Ch7 & 8

Wk 2 25th  & 27th January

Session One

Introductory Speeches

Session Two

Introductory Speeches

Wk 3     1st & 3rd February

Session One

Ch9 (Wording your speech)

Session Two

Ch12-Informative Speeches

Wk 4 8th & 10th February

Session One

Ch6 & 10 - Support Material

Session Two

Ch 12 - Informative Speeches

Wk 5 15th & 17th February

Session One

Informative Speeches

Session Two

Informative Speeches

Wk 6 22nd & 24th February

Session One

Ch3 - Critical Listening 

Third party speech discussion

Session Two

Ch. 11 - Visual Media

Quiz 2

Wk 7 1st & 3rd March

Session One

Ch13; persuasive speech video

Session Two

3rd Party speech assignment

Wk 8 8th % 10th March Mid-term/No Exam  
Wk. 9 15th & 17th March

Session One

Third Party Speeches delivery

Session Two

Third Party Speeches delivery

Wk. 10 22nd & 24th March

Session One

Persuasive Speech Delivery

Session Two

Quiz 3

Wk 11 29th & 31st March

Session One

Persuasive Speech delivery

Session Two

Persuasive Speech delivery

Wk 12 5th & 7th April

Session One

Ch 4 and 14

Session Two

Selection of debate teams

Wk 13 12th & 14th April

Session One

Debate Prep

Session Two

Debate prep. Quiz 4

Wk. 14 19th & 21st April

Session One

In-Class Debate Delivery

Session Two

In-Class Debate Delivery

Wk 15 26th & 28th April

Session One

Course Evaluation

Session Two

Course Evaluation

Wk 16 Final Week/ No Exam  

School of Arts and Sciences Master Syllabi — Info for All Sections

Plagiarism Policy

Academic Integrity

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

Plagiarism is regarded as a cardinal offense in academia because it constitutes theft of the work of someone else, which is then purported as the original work of the plagiarist. Plagiarism draws into disrepute the credibility of the Institution, its faculty, and students; therefore, it is not tolerated” (p. 48).

Plagiarism also includes the unintentional copying or false accreditation of work, so double check your assignments BEFORE you hand them in.

Be sure to do good, honest work, credit your sources and reference accordingly and adhere to the University’s Honor Code. Plagiarism and cheating will be dealt with very seriously following the university’s policies on Plagiarism as outlined in the Student Manual.

Your work may be subject to submission to plagiarism detection software, submission to this system means that your work automatically becomes part of that database and can be compared with the work of your classmates.

Attendance Requirement

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

Students are expected to attend all classes and or clinical rotations for which they have registered. Although attendance may not be recorded at every academic activity, attendance may be taken randomly. Students’ absence may adversely affect their academic status as specified in the grading policy. If absence from individual classes, examinations, and activities, or from the University itself is anticipated, or occurs spontaneously due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, proper notification procedures must be followed. A particular course may define additional policies regarding specific attendance or participation” (p. 9).

Examination Attendance

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

All matriculated students are expected to attend all assigned academic activities for each course currently registered. Medical excuses will be based on self-reporting by students. Students who feel they are too sick to take an examination or other required activity on a specific day must submit the online SAS medical excuse, which is available on Carenage. Students are only allowed two such excuses a year. Upon consultation with the Director of University Health Service, the third excuse will result in a mandatory medical leave of absence. The policies regarding make-up examinations are at the option of the Course Director” (p.46).

For additional specific examination policies and procedures, refer to the St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020), pages 31 through 37.

Student Accessibility and Accommodation Services Policy

The St. George’s University Student Manual (2019/2020) states as follows:

A student with a disability or disabling condition that affects one or more major life activities, who would like to request an accommodation, must submit a completed application form and supporting documentation to the Student Accessibility and Accommodation Services (SAAS) located in the Dean of Students Office. It is highly recommended that students applying for accommodations do so at least one month before classes begin to allow for a more efficient and timely consideration of the request. If a fully completed application is not submitted in a timely fashion, an eligibility determination may not be made, and accommodations, where applicable, may not be granted prior to the commencement of classes and/or examinations” (p. 8).


It is the responsibility of the student to read and understand the policies, laws, rules and procedures that while they could affect your grade for a course, have not been specifically outlined in the course syllabus. These are contained in the St. George’s University Student Manual.